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3 eclipse月食-第60章

小说: 3 eclipse月食 字数: 每页4000字

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  “Well;” he said; and his face was calculating。 “If you’re my wife; then what’s mine is yours 。 。 。 like tuition 
money。 So there would be no problem with Dartmouth。” 
  “Anything else? While you’re already being absurd?” 
  “I wouldn’t mind some time。” 
  “No。 No time。 That’s a deal breaker right there。” 
  He sighed longingly。 “Just a year or two?” 
  I shook my head; my lips set in a stubborn frown。 “Move along to the next one。” 
  “That’s it。 Unless you’d like to talk cars 。 。 。” 
  He grinned widely when I grimaced; then took my hand and began playing with my fingers。 
  “I didn’t realize there was anything else you wanted besides being transformed into a monster yourself。 I’m 
extremely curious。” His voice was low and soft。 The slight edge would have been hard to detect if I hadn’t 
known it so well。 
  I paused; staring at his hand on mine。 I still didn’t know how to begin。 I felt his eyes watching me and I 
was afraid to look up。 The blood began to burn in my face。 
  His cool fingers brushed my cheek。 “You’re blushing?” he asked in surprise。 I kept my eyes down。 
“Please; Bella; the suspense is painful。” 
  I bit my lip。 
  “Bella。” His tone reproached me now; reminded me that it was hard for him when I kept my thoughts to 
  “Well; I’m a little worried 。 。 。 about after;” I admitted; finally looking at him。 
  I felt his body tense; but his voice was gentle and velvet。 “What has you worried?” 
  “All of you just seem so convinced that the only thing I’m going to be interested in; afterward; is 
slaughtering everyone in town;” I confessed; while he winced at my choice of words。 “And I’m afraid I’ll be so 
preoccupied with the mayhem that I won’t be me anymore 。 。 。 and that I won’t 。 。 。 I won’t want you the 
same way I do now。” 
  “Bella; that part doesn’t last forever;” he assured me。 
  He was missing the point。 
  “Edward;” I said; nervous; staring at a freckle on my wrist。 “There’s something that I want to do before 
I’m not human anymore。” 
  He waited for me to continue。 I didn’t。 My face was all hot。 
  “Whatever you want;” he encouraged; anxious and pletely clueless。 

 “Do you promise?” I muttered; knowing my attempt to trap him with his words was not going to work; but 
unable to resist。 
 “Yes;” he said。 I looked up to see that his eyes were earnest and confused。 “Tell me what you want; and 
you can have it。” 
 I couldn’t believe how awkward and idiotic I felt。 I was too innocent — which was; of course; central to 
the discussion。 I didn’t have the faintest idea how to be seductive。 I would just have to settle for flushed and 
 “You;” I mumbled almost incoherently。 
 “I’m yours。” He smiled; still oblivious; trying to hold my gaze as I looked away again。 
 I took a deep breath and shifted forward so that I was kneeling on the bed。 Then I wrapped my arms 
around his neck and kissed him。 
 He kissed me back; bewildered but willing。 His lips were gentle against mine; and I could tell his mind was 
elsewhere — trying to figure out what was on my mind。 I decided he needed a hint。 
 My hands were slightly shaky as I unlocked my arms from around his neck。 My fingers slid down his neck 
to the collar of his shirt。 The trembling didn’t help as I tried to hurry to undo the buttons before he stopped me。 
 His lips froze; and I could almost hear the click in his head as he put together my words and my actions。 
 He pushed me away at once; his face heavily disapproving。 
 “Be reasonable; Bella。” 
 “You promised — whatever I wanted;” I reminded him without hope。 
 “We’re not having this discussion。” He glared at me while he refastened the two buttons I’d managed to 
 My teeth clamped together。 
 “I say we are;” I growled。 I moved my hands to my blouse and yanked open the top button。 
 He grabbed my wrists and pinned them to my sides。 
 “I say we’re not;” he said flatly。 
 We glowered at each other。 
 “You wanted to know;” I pointed out。 
 “I thought it would be something faintly realistic。” 
 “So you can ask for any stupid; ridiculous thing you want — like getting married — but I’m not allowed 
to even discuss what I —” 
 While I was ranting; he pulled my hands together to restrain them in just one of his; and put his other hand 
over my mouth。 
 “No。” His face was hard。 
 I took a deep breath to steady myself。 And; as the anger began to fade; I felt something else。 
 It took me a minute to recognize why I was staring down again; the blush returning — why my stomach 
felt uneasy; why there was too much moisture in my eyes; why I suddenly wanted to run from the room。 
 Rejection washed through me; instinctive and strong。 
 I knew it was irrational。 He’d been very clear on other occasions that my safety was the only factor。 Yet 
I’d never made myself quite so vulnerable before。 I scowled at the golden forter that matched his eyes and 
tried to banish the reflex reaction that told me I was unwanted and unwantable。 
 Edward sighed。 The hand over my mouth moved under my chin; and he pulled my face up until I had to 
look at him。 
 “What now?” 
 “Nothing;” I mumbled。 
 He scrutinized my face for long moment while I tried unsuccessfully to twist away from his gaze。 His brow 
furrowed; and his expression became horrified。 
 “Did I hurt your feelings?” he asked; shocked。 
 “No;” I lied。 
 So quickly that I wasn’t even sure how it happened; I was in his arms; my face cradled between his 
shoulder and his hand; while his thumb stroked reassuringly against my cheek。 
 “You know why I have to say no;” he murmured。 “You know that I want you; too。” 
 “Do you?” I whispered; my voice full of doubt。 

“Of course I do; you silly; beautiful; oversensitive girl。” He laughed once; and then his voice was bleak。 
“Doesn’t everyone? I feel like there’s a line behind me; jockeying for position; waiting for me to make a big 
enough mistake。 。 。 。 You’re too desirable for your own good。” 
“Who’s being silly now?” I doubted if awkward; selfconscious; and inept added up to desirable in 
anyone’s book。 
“Do I have to send a petition around to get you to believe? Shall I tell you whose names would be on the 
top of the list? You know a few of them; but some might surprise you。” 
I shook my head against his chest; grimacing。 “You’re just trying to distract me。 Let’s get back to the 
He sighed。 
“Tell me if I have anything wrong。” I tried to sound detached。 “Your demands are marriage” — I couldn’t 
say the word without making a face — “paying my tuition; more time; and you wouldn’t mind if myvehicle 
went a little faster。” I raised my eyebrows。 “Did I get everything? That’s a hefty list。” 
“Only the first is a demand。” He seemed to be having a hard time keeping a straight face。 “The others are 
merely requests。” 
“And my lone; solitary little demand is —” 
“Demand?” he interrupted; suddenly serious again。 
“Yes; demand。” 
His eyes narrowed。 
“Getting married is a stretch for me。 I’m not giving in unless I get something in return。” 
He leaned down to whisper in my ear。 “No;” he murmured silkily。 “It’s not possible now。 Later; when 
you’re less breakable。 Be patient; Bella。” 
I tried to keep my voice firm and reasonable。 “But that’s the problem。 It won’t be the same when I’m less 
breakable。 I won’t be the same! I don’t know who I’ll be then。” 
“You’ll still be Bella;” he promised。 
I frowned。 “If I’m so far gone that I’d want to kill Charlie — that I’d drink Jacob’s blood or Angela’s if I 
got the chance — how can that be true?” 
“It will pass。 And I doubt you’ll want to drink the dog’s blood。” He pretended to shudder at the thought。 
“Even as a newborn; you’ll have better taste than that。” 
I ignored his attempt to sidetrack me。 “But that will always be what I want most; won’t it?” I challenged。 
“Blood; blood; and more blood!” 
“The fact that you are still alive is proof that that is not true;” he pointed out。 
“Over eighty years later;” I reminded him。 “What I meant was physically; though。 Intellectually; I know I’ll 
be able to be myself 。 。 。 after a while。 But just purely physically — I will always be thirsty; more than anything 
He didn’t answer。 
“So I will be different;” I concluded unopposed。 “Because right now; physically; there’s nothing I want 
more than you。 More than food or water or oxygen。 Intellectually; I have my priorities in a slightly more 
sensible order。 But physically 。 。 。” 
I twisted my head to kiss the palm of his hand。 
He took a deep breath。 I was surprised that it sounded a little unsteady。 
“Bella; I could kill you;” he whispered。 
“I don’t think you could。” 
Edward’s eyes tightened。 He lifted his hand from my face and reached quickly behind himself for 
something I couldn’t see。 There was a muffled snapping sound; and the bed quivered beneath us。 
Something dark was in his hand; he held it up for my curious examination。 It was a metal flower; one of the 
roses that adorned the wrought iron posts and canopy of his bed frame。 His hand closed for a brief second; 
his fingers contracting gently; and then it opened again。 
Without a word; he offered me the crushed; uneven lump of black metal。 It was a cast of the inside of his 
hand; like a piece of play dough squeezed in a child’s fist。 A halfsecond passed; and the shape crumbled into 
black sand in his palm。 
I glared。 “That’s not what I meant。 I already know how strong you are。 You didn’t have to break the 

“What did you mean then?” he asked in a dark voice; tossing the handful of iron sand to the corner of the 
room; it hit the wall with a sound like rain。 
His eyes were intent on my face as I struggled to explain。 
“Obviously not that you aren’t physically able hurt me; if you wanted to 。 。 。 More that; you don’t want to 
hurt me 。 。 。 so much so that I don’t think that you ever could。” 
He started shaking his head before I was done。 
“It might not work like that; Bella。” 
“Might;” I scoffed。 “You have no more idea what you’re talking abo

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