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3 eclipse月食-第49章

小说: 3 eclipse月食 字数: 每页4000字

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“Bella!” Charlie crowed; pushing his way past the closepacked families around us。 
“Congratulations; baby!” He was stillyelling; even though he was right at my ear now。 He wrapped his 
arms around me; ever so slyly shuffling Edward off to the side as he did so。 
“Thanks;” I muttered; preoccupied by the expression on Edward’s face。 He still hadn’t gained control。 His 
hands were halfway extended toward me; like he was about to grab me and make a run for it。 Only slightly 
more in control of myself than he was; running didn’t seem like such a terrible idea to me。 
“Jacob and Billy had to take off — did you see that they were here?” Charlie asked; taking a step back; 
but keeping his hands on my shoulders。 He had his back to Edward — probably an effort to exclude him; but 
that was fine at the moment。 Edward’s mouth was hanging open; his eyes still wide with dread。 
“Yeah;” I assured my father; trying to pay enough attention。 “Heard them; too。” 
“It was nice of them to show up;” Charlie said。 
Okay; so telling Edward had been a really bad idea。 Alice was right to keep her thoughts clouded。 I 
should have waited till we were alone somewhere; maybe with the rest of his family。 And nothing breakable 
close by — like windows 。 。 。 cars 。 。 。 school buildings。 His face brought back all my fear and then some。 
Though his expression was past the fear now — it was pure fury that was suddenly plain on his features。 
“So where do you want to go out for dinner?” Charlie asked。 “The sky’s the limit。” 
“I can cook。” 
“Don’t be silly。 Do you want to go to the Lodge?” he asked with an eager smile。 
I did not particularly enjoy Charlie’s favorite restaurant; but; at this point; what was the difference? I 
wasn’t going to be able to eat anyway。 
“Sure; the Lodge; cool;” I said。 
Charlie smiled wider; and then sighed。 He turned his head halfway toward Edward; without really looking 
at him。 
“You ing; too; Edward?” 
I stared at him; my eyes beseeching。 Edward pulled his expression together just before Charlie turned to 
see why he hadn’t gotten an answer。 
“No; thank you;” Edward said stiffly; his face hard and cold。 
“Do you have plans with your parents?” Charlie asked; a frown in his voice。 Edward was always more 
polite than Charlie deserved; the sudden hostility surprised him。 
“Yes。 If you’ll excuse me。 。 。 。” Edward turned abruptly and stalked away through the dwindling crowd。 
He moved just a little bit too fast; too upset to keep up his usually perfect charade。 
“What did I say?” Charlie asked with a guilty expression。 
“Don’t worry about it; Dad;” I reassured him。 “I don’t think it’s you。” 
“Are you two fighting again?” 
“Nobody’s fighting。 Mind your own business。” 
“You are my business。” 
I rolled my eyes。 “Let’s go eat。” 
The Lodge was crowded。 The place was; in my opinion; overpriced and tacky; but it was the only thing 

close to a formal restaurant in town; so it was always popular for events。 I stared morosely at a depressed 
looking stuffed elk head while Charlie ate prime rib and talked over the back of the seat to Tyler Crowley’s 
parents。 It was noisy — everyone there had just e from graduation; and most were chatting across the 
aisles and over the boothtops like Charlie。 
 I had my back to the front windows; and I resisted the urge to turn around and search for the eyes I could 
feel on me now。 I knew I wouldn’t be able to see anything。 Just as I knew there was no chance that he would 
leave me unguarded; even for a second。 Not after this。 
 Dinner dragged。 Charlie; busy socializing; ate too slowly。 I picked at my burger; stuffing pieces of it into 
my napkin when I was sure his attention was somewhere else。 It all seemed to take a very long time; but when 
I looked at the clock — which I did more often than necessary — the hands hadn’t moved much。 
 Finally Charlie got his change back and put a tip on the table。 I stood up。 
 “In a hurry?” he asked me。 
 “I want to help Alice set things up;” I claimed。 
 “Okay。” He turned away from me to say goodnight to everyone。 I went out to wait by the cruiser。 
 I leaned against the passenger door; waiting for Charlie to drag himself away from the impromptu party。 It 
was almost dark in the parking lot; the clouds so thick that there was no telling if the sun had set or not。 The air 
felt heavy; like it was about to rain。 
 Something moved in the shadows。 
 My gasp turned into a sigh of relief as Edward appeared out of the gloom。 
 Without a word; he pulled me tightly against his chest。 One cool hand found my chin; and pulled my face 
up so that he could press his hard lips to mine。 I could feel the tension in his jaw。 
 “How are you?” I asked as soon as he let me breathe。 
 “Not so great;” he murmured。 “But I’ve got a handle on myself。 I’m sorry that I lost it back there。” 
 “My fault。 I should have waited to tell you。” 
 “No;” he disagreed。 “This is something I needed to know。 I can’t believe I didn’t see it!” 
 “You’ve got a lot on your mind。” 
 “And you don’t?” 
 He suddenly kissed me again; not letting me answer。 He pulled away after just a second。 “Charlie’s on his 
 “I’ll have him drop me at your house。” 
 “I’ll follow you there。” 
 “That’s not really necessary;” I tried to say; but he was already gone。 
 “Bella?” Charlie called from the doorway of the restaurant; squinting into the darkness。 
 “I’m out here。” 
 Charlie sauntered out to the car; muttering about impatience。 
 “So; how do you feel?” he asked me as we drove north along the highway。 “It’s been a big day。” 
 “I feel fine;” I lied。 
 He laughed; seeing through me easily。 “Worried about the party?” he guessed。 
 “Yeah;” I lied again。 
 This time he didn’t notice。 “You were never one for the parties。” 
 “Wonder where I got that from;” I murmured。 
 Charlie chuckled。 “Well; you look really nice。 I wish I’d thought to get you something。 Sorry。” 
 “Don’t be silly; Dad。” 
 “It’s not silly。 I feel like I don’t always do everything for you that I should。” 
 “That’s ridiculous。 You do a fantastic job。 World’s best dad。 And 。 。 。” It wasn’t easy to talk about 
feelings with Charlie; but I persevered after clearing my throat。 “And I’m really glad I came to live with you; 
Dad。 It was the best idea I ever had。 So don’t worry — you’re just experiencing postgraduation pessimism。” 
 He snorted。 “Maybe。 But I’m sure I slipped up in a few places。 I mean; look at your hand!” 
 I stared down blankly at my hands。 My left hand rested lightly on the dark brace I rarely thought about。 
My broken knuckle didn’t hurt much anymore。 
 “I never thought I needed to teach you how to throw a punch。 Guess I was wrong about that。” 
 “I thought you were on Jacob’s side?” 

“No matter what side I’m on; if someone kisses you without your permission; you should be able to make 
your feelings clear without hurting yourself。 You didn’t keep your thumb inside your fist; did you?” 
“No; Dad。 That’s kind of sweet in a weird way; but I don’t think lessons would have helped。 Jacob’s 
head is really hard。” 
Charlie laughed。 “Hit him in the gut next time。” 
“Next time?” I asked incredulously。 
“Aw; don’t be too hard on the kid。 He’s young。” 
“He’s obnoxious。” 
“He’s still your friend。” 
“I know。” I sighed。 “I don’t really know what the right thing to do here is; Dad。” 
Charlie nodded slowly。 “Yeah。 The right thing isn’t always real obvious。 Sometimes the right thing for one 
person is the wrong thing for someone else。 So 。 。 。 good luck figuring that out。” 
“Thanks;” I muttered dryly。 
Charlie laughed again; and then frowned。 “If this party gets too wild 。 。 。 ;” he began。 
“Don’t worry about it; Dad。 Carlisle and Esme are going to be there。 I’m sure you can e; too; if you 
Charlie grimaced as he squinted through the windshield into the night。 Charlie enjoyed a good party just 
about as much as I did。 
“Where’s the turnoff; again?” he asked。 “They ought to clear out their drive — it’s impossible to find in the 
“Just around the next bend; I think。” I pursed my lips。 “You know; you’re right — it is impossible to find。 
Alice said she put a map in the invitation; but even so; maybe everyone will get lost。” I cheered up slightly at 
the idea。 
“Maybe;” Charlie said as the road curved to the east。 “Or maybe not。” 
The black velvet darkness was interrupted ahead; just where the Cullens’ drive should be。 Someone had 
wrapped the trees on either side in thousands of twinkle lights; impossible to miss。 
“Alice;” I said sourly。 
“Wow;” Charlie said as we turned onto the drive。 The two trees at the entry weren’t the only ones lit。 
Every twenty feet or so; another shining beacon guided us toward the big white house。 All the way — all three 
miles of the way。 
“She doesn’t do things halfway; does she?” Charlie mumbled in awe。 
“Sure you don’t want to e in?” 
“Extremely sure。 Have fun; kid。” 
“Thanks so much; Dad。” 
He was laughing to himself as I got out and shut the door。 I watched him drive away; still grinning。 With a 
sigh; I marched up the stairs to endure my party。 

   17。 ALLIANCE 

Edward’s soft voice came from behind me。 I turned to see him spring lightly up the porch steps; his hair 
windblown from running。 He pulled me into his arms at once; just like he had in the parking lot; and kissed me 
This kiss frightened me。 There was too much tension; too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed mine 
— like he was afraid we only had so much time left to us。 
I couldn’t let myself think about that。 Not if I was going to have to act human for the next several hours。 I 
pulled away from him。 
“Let’s get this stupid party over with;” I mumbled; not meeting his eyes。 
He put his hands on either side of my face; waiting until I looked up。 
“I won’t let anything happen to you。” 
I touched his lips with the fingers of my good hand。 “I’m not worried about myself so much。” 
“Why am I not surprised by that?” he muttered to himself。 He took a deep bre

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