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3 eclipse月食-第41章

小说: 3 eclipse月食 字数: 每页4000字

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decide whether or not I should send him away and finish up myself as I called out the next victim。 To my 
surprise; he was suddenly angry; furious。 I braced for whatever his mood might foreshadow — he was a good 

fighter; but he was never a match for me。 
 “The newborn I’d summoned was a female; just past her year mark。 Her name was Charlotte。 His feelings 
changed when she came into view; they gave him away。 He yelled for her to run; and he bolted after her。 I 
could have pursued them; but I didn’t。 I felt 。 。 。 averse to destroying him。 
 “Maria was irritated with me for that 。 。 。 
 “Five years later; Peter snuck back for me。 He picked a good day to arrive。 
 “Maria was mystified by my everdeteriorating frame of mind。 She’d never felt a moment’s depression; 
and I wondered why I was different。 I began to notice a change in her emotions when she was near me — 
sometimes there was fear 。 。 。 and malice — the same feelings that had given me advance warning when tie 
and Lucy struck。 I was preparing myself to destroy my only ally; the core of my existence; when Peter 
 “Peter told me about his new life with Charlotte; told me about options I’d never dreamed I had。 In five 
years; they’d never had a fight; though they’d met many others in the north。 Others who could coexist without 
the constant mayhem。 
 “In one conversation; he had me convinced。 I was ready to go; and somewhat relieved I wouldn’t have to 
kill Maria。 I’d been her panion for as many years as Carlisle and Edward have been together; yet the 
bond between us was nowhere near as strong。 When you live for the fight; for the blood; the relationships you 
form are tenuous and easily broken。 I walked away without a backward glance。 
 “I traveled with Peter and Charlotte for a few years; getting the feel of this new; more peaceful world。 But 
the depression didn’t fade。 I didn’t understand what was wrong with me; until Peter noticed that it was always 
worse after I’d hunted。 
 “I contemplated that。 In so many years of slaughter and carnage; I’d lost nearly all of my humanity。 I was 
undeniably a nightmare; a monster of the grisliest kind。 Yet each time I found another human victim; I would 
feel a faint prick of remembrance for that other life。 Watching their eyes widen in wonder at my beauty; I could 
see Maria and the others in my head; what they had looked like to me the last night that I was Jasper 
Whitlock。 It was stronger for me — this borrowed memory — than it was for anyone else; because I could 
feel everything my prey was feeling。 And I lived their emotions as I killed them。 
 “You’ve experienced the way I can manipulate the emotions around myself; Bella; but I wonder if you 
realize how the feelings in a room affect me。 I live every day in a climate of emotion。 For the first century of my 
life; I lived in a world of bloodthirsty vengeance。 Hate was my constant panion。 It eased some when I left 
Maria; but I still had to feel the horror and fear of my prey。 
 “It began to be too much。 
 “The depression got worse; and I wandered away from Peter and Charlotte。 Civilized as they were; they 
didn’t feel the same aversion I was beginning to feel。 They only wanted peace from the fight。 I was so wearied 
by killing — killing anyone; even mere humans。 
 “Yet I had to keep killing。 What choice did I have? I tried to kill less often; but I would get too thirsty and 
I would give in。 After a century of instant gratification; I found selfdiscipline 。 。 。 challenging。 I still haven’t 
perfected that。” 
 Jasper was lost in the story; as was I。 It surprised me when his desolate expression smoothed into a 
peaceful smile。 
 “I was in Philadelphia。 There was a storm; and I was out during the day — something I was not 
pletely fortable with yet。 I knew standing in the rain would attract attention; so I ducked into a little 
halfempty diner。 My eyes were dark enough that no one would notice them; though this meant I was thirsty; 
and that worried me a little。 
 “She was there — expecting me; naturally。” He chuckled once。 “She hopped down from the high stool at 
the counter as soon as I walked in and came directly toward me。 
 “It shocked me。 I was not sure if she meant to attack。 That’s the only interpretation of her behavior my 
past had to offer。 But she was smiling。 And the emotions that were emanating from her were like nothing I’d 
ever felt before。 
 “‘You’ve kept me waiting a long time;’ she said。” 
 I didn’t realize Alice had e to stand behind me again。 
 “And you ducked your head; like a good Southern gentleman; and said; ‘I’m sorry; ma’am。’” Alice 

laughed at the memory。 
 Jasper smiled down at her。 “You held out your hand; and I took it without stopping to make sense of what 
I was doing。 For the first time in almost a century; I felt hope。” 
 Jasper took Alice’s hand as he spoke。 
 Alice grinned。 “I was just relieved。 I thought you were never going to show up。” 
 They smiled at each other for a long moment; and then Jasper looked back to me; the soft expression 
 “Alice told me what she’d seen of Carlisle and his family。 I could hardly believe that such an existence was 
possible。 But Alice made me optimistic。 So we went to find them。” 
 “Scared the hell out of them; too;” Edward said; rolling his eyes at Jasper before turning to me to explain。 
“Emmett and I were away hunting。 Jasper shows up; covered in battle scars; towing this little freak” — he 
nudged Alice playfully — “who greets them all by name; knows everything about them; and wants to know 
which room she can move into。” 
 Alice and Jasper laughed in harmony; soprano and bass。 
 “When I got home; all my things were in the garage;” Edward continued。 
 Alice shrugged。 “Your room had the best view。” 
 They all laughed together now。 
 “That’s a nice story;” I said。 
 Three pairs of eyes questioned my sanity。 
 “I mean the last part;” I defended myself。 “The happy ending with Alice。” 
 “Alice has made all the difference;” Jasper agreed。 “This is a climate I enjoy。” 
 But the momentary pause in the stress couldn’t last。 
 “An army;” Alice whispered。 “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
 The others were intent again; their eyes locked on Jasper’s face。 
 “I thought I must be interpreting the signs incorrectly。 Because where is the motive? Why would someone 
create an army in Seattle? There is no history there; no vendetta。 It makes no sense from a conquest 
standpoint; either; no one claims it。 Nomads pass through; but there’s no one to fight for it。 No one to defend 
it from。 
 “But I’ve seen this before; and there’s no other explanation。 There is an army of newborn vampires in 
Seattle。 Fewer than twenty; I’d guess。 The difficult part is that they are totally untrained。 Whoever made them 
just set them loose。 It will only get worse; and it won’t be much longer till the Volturi step in。 Actually; I’m 
surprised they’ve let this go on so long。” 
 “What can we do?” Carlisle asked。 
 “If we want to avoid the Volturi’s involvement; we will have to destroy the newborns; and we will have to 
do it very soon。” Jasper’s face was hard。 Knowing his story now; I could guess how this evaluation must 
disturb him。 “I can teach you how。 It won’t be easy in the city。 The young ones aren’t concerned about 
secrecy; but we will have to be。 It will limit us in ways that they are not。 Maybe we can lure them out。” 
 “Maybe we won’t have to。” Edward’s voice was bleak。 “Does it occur to anyone else that the only 
possible threat in the area that would call for the creation of an army is 。 。 。 us?” 
 Jasper’s eyes narrowed; Carlisle’s widened; shocked。 
 “Tanya’s family is also near;” Esme said slowly; unwilling to accept Edward’s words。 
 “The newborns aren’t ravaging Anchorage; Esme。 I think we have to consider the idea that we are the 
 “They’re not ing after us;” Alice insisted; and then paused。 “Or 。 。 。 they don’t know that they are。 
Not yet。” 
 “What is that?” Edward asked; curious and tense。 “What are you remembering?” 
 “Flickers;” Alice said。 “I can’t see a clear picture when I try to see what’s going on; nothing concrete。 But 
I’ve been getting these strange flashes。 Not enough to make sense of。 It’s as if someone’s changing their mind; 
moving from one course of action to another so quickly that I can’t get a good view。 。 。 。” 
 “Indecision?” Jasper asked in disbelief。 
 “I don’t know。 。 。 。” 
 “Not indecision;” Edward growled。 “Knowledge。 Someone who knows you can’t see anything until the 

decision is made。 Someone who is hiding from us。 Playing with the holes in your vision。” 
  “Who would know that?” Alice whispered。 
  Edward’s eyes were hard as ice。 “Aro knows you as well as you know yourself。” 
  “But I would see if they’d decided to e。 。 。 。” 
  “Unless they didn’t want to get their hands dirty。” 
  “A favor;” Rosalie suggested; speaking for the first time。 “Someone in the South 。 。 。 someone who already 
had trouble with the rules。 Someone who should have been destroyed is offered a second chance — if they 
take care of this one small problem。 。 。 。 That would explain the Volturi’s sluggish response。” 
  “Why?” Carlisle asked; still shocked。 “There’s no reason for the Volturi —” 
  “It was there;” Edward disagreed quietly。 “I’m surprised it’s e to this so soon; because the other 
thoughts were stronger。 In Aro’s head he saw me at his one side and Alice at his other。 The present and the 
future; virtual omniscience。 The power of the idea intoxicated him。 I would have thought it would take him 
much longer to give up on that plan — he wanted it too much。 But there was also the thought of you; Carlisle; 
of our family; growing stronger and larger。 The jealousy and the fear: you having 。 。 。 not more than he had; but 
still; things that he wanted。 He tried not to think about it; but he couldn’t hide it pletely。 The idea of rooting 
out the petition was there; besides their own; ours is the largest coven they’ve ever found。 。 。 。” 
  I stared at his face in horror。 He’d never told me this; 

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