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3 eclipse月食-第36章

小说: 3 eclipse月食 字数: 每页4000字

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  “I won’t get it right;” I said; and then I yawned hugely。 

Edward chuckled。 He opened my door for me; lifted me in; and buckled my seat belt around me。 
Bright lights flashed on and swept across us。 I waved toward Jacob’s headlights; but I didn’t know if he 
saw the gesture。 

That night — after I’d gotten past Charlie; who didn’t give me as much trouble as I’d expected because Jacob 
had called him; too — instead of collapsing in bed right away; I leaned out the open window while I waited for 
Edward to e back。 The night was surprisingly cold; almost wintry。 I hadn’t noticed it at all on the windy 
cliffs; I imagined that had less to do with the fire than it did with sitting next to Jacob。 
Icy droplets spattered against my face as the rain began to fall。 
It was too dark to see much besides the black triangles of the spruces leaning and shaking with the wind。 
But I strained my eyes anyway; searching for other shapes in the storm。 A pale silhouette; moving like a ghost 
through the black 。 。 。 or maybe the shadowy outline of an enormous wolf。 。 。 。 My eyes were too weak。 
Then there was a movement in the night; right beside me。 Edward slid through my open window; his hands 
colder than the rain。 
“Is Jacob out there?” I asked; shivering as Edward pulled me into the circle of his arm。 
“Yes 。 。 。 somewhere。 And Esme’s on her way home。” 
I sighed。 “It’s so cold and wet。 This is silly。” I shivered again。 
He chuckled。 “It’s only cold to you; Bella。” 
It was cold in my dream that night; too; maybe because I slept in Edward’s arms。 But I dreamt I was 
outside in the storm; the wind whipping my hair in my face and blinding my eyes。 I stood on the rocky crescent 
of First Beach; trying to understand the quickly moving shapes I could only dimly see in the darkness at the 
shore’s edge。 At first; there was nothing but a flash of white and black; darting toward each other and dancing 
away。 And then; as if the moon had suddenly broken from the clouds; I could see everything。 
Rosalie; her hair swinging wet and golden down to the back of her knees; was lunging at an enormous 
wolf — its muzzle shot through with silver — that I instinctively recognized as Billy Black。 
I broke into a run; but found myself moving in the frustrating slow motion of dreamers。 I tried to scream to 
them; to tell them to stop; but my voice was stolen by the wind; and I could make no sound。 I waved my 
arms; hoping to catch their attention。 Something flashed in my hand; and I noticed for the first time that my 
right hand wasn’t empty。 
I held a long; sharp blade; ancient and silver; crusted in dried; blackened blood。 
I cringed away from the knife; and my eyes snapped open to the quiet darkness of my bedroom。 The first 
thing I realized was that I was not alone; and I turned to bury my face in Edward’s chest; knowing the sweet 
scent of his skin would chase the nightmare away more effectively than anything else。 
“Did I wake you?” he whispered。 There was the sound of paper; the ruffling of pages; and a faint thump 
as something light fell to the wooden floor。 
“No;” I mumbled; sighing in contentment as his arms tightened around me。 “I had a bad dream。” 
“Do you want to tell me about it?” 
I shook my head。 “Too tired。 Maybe in the morning; if I remember。” 
I felt a silent laugh shake through him。 
“In the morning;” he agreed。 
“What were you reading?” I muttered; not really awake at all。 
“Wuthering Heights;” he said。 
I frowned sleepily。 “I thought you didn’t like that book。” 
“You left it out;” he murmured; his soft voice lulling me toward unconsciousness。 “Besides 。 。 。 the more 
time I spend with you; the more human emotions seem prehensible to me。 I’m discovering that I can 
sympathize with Heathcliff in ways I didn’t think possible before。” 
“Mmm;” I sighed。 
He said something else; something low; but I was already asleep。 
The next morning dawned pearl gray and still。 Edward asked me about my dream; but I couldn’t get a 
handle on it。 I only remembered that I was cold; and that I was glad he was there when I woke up。 He kissed 
me; long enough to get my pulse racing; and then headed home to change and get his car。 
I dressed quickly; low on options。 Whoever had ransacked my hamper had critically impaired my 

wardrobe。 If it wasn’t so frightening; it would be seriously annoying。 
As I was about to head down for breakfast; I noticed my battered copy of Wuthering Heights lying open 
on the floor where Edward had dropped it in the night; holding his place the way the damaged binding always 
held mine。 
I picked it up curiously; trying to remember what he’d said。 Something about feeling sympathy for 
Heathcliff; of all people。 That couldn’t be right; I must have dreamed that part。 
Three words on the open page caught my eye; and I bent my head to read the paragraph more closely。 It 
was Heathcliff speaking; and I knew the passage well。 

 And there you see the distinction between our feelings: had he been in my place and I in his; 
 though I hated him with a hatred that turned my life to gall; I never would have raised a 
 hand against him。 You may look incredulous; if you please! I never would have banished him 
 from her society as long as she desired his。 The moment her regard ceased; I would have torn 
 his heart out; and drank his blood! But; till then — if you don’t believe me; you don’t know 
 me — till then; I would have died by inches before I touched a single hair of his head! 

The three words that had caught my eye were “drank his blood。” 
I shuddered。 
Yes; surely I must have dreamt that Edward said anything positive about Heathcliff。 And this page was 
probably not the page he’d been reading。 The book could have fallen open to any page。 

 12。 TIME 

 Edward threw an elbow toward her ribs; which she neatly dodged。 
 “Fine;” she grumbled。 “Edward is making me do this。 But I did foresee that you would be more difficult if I 
surprised you。” 
 We were walking to the car after school; and I was pletely clueless as to what she was talking about。 
 “In English?” I requested。 
 “Don’t be a baby about this。 No tantrums。” 
 “Now I’m scared。” 
 “So you’re — I mean we’re — having a graduation party。 It’s no big thing。 Nothing to freak out over。 But 
I saw that you would freak out if I tried to make it a surprise party” — she danced out of the way as Edward 
reached over to muss her hair — “and Edward said I had to tell you。 But it’s nothing。 Promise。” 
 I sighed heavily。 “Is there any point in arguing?” 
 “None at all。” 
 “Okay; Alice。 I’ll be there。 And I’ll hate every minute of it。 Promise。” 
 “That’s the spirit! By the way; I love my gift。 You shouldn’t have。” 
 “Alice; I didn’t!” 
 “Oh; I know that。 But you will。” 
 I racked my brains in panic; trying to remember what I’d ever decided to get her for graduation that she 
might have seen。 
 “Amazing;” Edward muttered。 “How can someone so tiny be so annoying?” 
 Alice laughed。 “It’s a talent。” 
 “Couldn’t you have waited a few weeks to tell me about this?” I asked petulantly。 “Now I’ll just be 
stressed that much longer。” 
 Alice frowned at me。 
 “Bella;” she said slowly。 “Do you know what day it is?” 
 She rolled her eyes。 “Yes。 It is Monday 。 。 。 the fourth。” She grabbed my elbow; spun me halfway around; 
and pointed toward a big yellow poster taped to the gym door。 There; in sharp black letters; was the date of 
graduation。 Exactly one week from today。 
 “It’s the fourth? Of June? Are you sure?” 
 Neither one answered。 Alice just shook her head sadly; feigning disappointment; and Edward’s eyebrows 
 “It can’t be! How did that happen?” I tried to count backwards in my head; but I couldn’t figure out 
where the days had gone。 
 I felt like someone had kicked my legs out from under me。 The weeks of stress; of worry 。 。 。 somehow in 
the middle of all my obsessing over the time; my time had disappeared。 My space for sorting through it all; for 
making plans; had vanished。 I was out of time。 
 And I wasn’t ready。 
 I didn’t know how to do this。 How to say goodbye to Charlie and Renée 。 。 。 to Jacob 。 。 。 to being 
 I knew exactly what I wanted; but I was suddenly terrified of getting it。 
 In theory; I was anxious; even eager to trade mortality for immortality。 After all; it was the key to staying 
with Edward forever。 And then there was the fact that I was being hunted by known and unknown parties。 I’d 
rather not sit around; helpless and delicious; waiting for one of them to catch up with me。 
 In theory; that all made sense。 
 In practice 。 。 。 being human was all I knew。 The future beyond that was a big; dark abyss that I couldn’t 
know until I leaped into it。 

This simple knowledge; today’s date — which was so obvious that I must have been subconsciously 
repressing it — made the deadline I’d been impatiently counting down toward feel like a date with the firing 
In a vague way; I was aware of Edward holding the car door for me; of Alice chattering from the 
backseat; of the rain hammering against the windshield。 Edward seemed to realize I was only there in body; he 
didn’t try to pull me out of my abstraction。 Or maybe he did; and I was past noticing。 
We ended up at my house; where Edward led me to the sofa and pulled me down next to him。 I stared 
out the window; into the liquid gray haze; and tried to find where my resolve had gone。 Why was I panicking 
now? I’d known the deadline was ing。 Why should it frighten me that it was here? 
I don’t know how long he let me stare out the window in silence。 But the rain was disappearing into 
darkness when it was finally too much for him。 
He put his cold hands on either side of my face and fixed his golden eyes on mine。 
“Would you please tell me what you are thinking? Before I go mad?” 
What could I say to him? That I was a coward? I searched for words。 
“Your lips are white。 Talk; Bella。” 
I exhaled in a big gust。 How long had I been holding my breath? 
“The date too

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