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3 eclipse月食-第20章

小说: 3 eclipse月食 字数: 每页4000字

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“You shouldn’t have done that。 Now you’ll have to go away again。” My frown intensified。 
“I can wait。” 
“That’s ridiculous。 I mean; I know she couldn’t see me with Jacob; but you should have known —” 
“But I didn’t;” he broke in。 “And you can’t expect me to let you —” 
“Oh; yes; I can;” I interrupted him。 “That’s exactly what I expect —” 
“This won’t happen again。” 
“That’s right! Because you’re not going to overreact next time。” 
“Because there isn’t going to be a next time。” 
“I understand when you have to leave; even if I don’t like it —” 
“That’s not the same。 I’m not risking my life。” 
“Neither am I。” 
“Werewolves constitute a risk。” 
“I disagree。” 
“I’m not negotiating this; Bella。” 
“Neither am I。” 
His hands were in fists again。 I could feel them against my back。 
The words popped out thoughtlessly。 “Is this really just about my safety?” 
“What do you mean?” he demanded。 
“You aren’t 。 。 。” Angela’s theory seemed sillier now than before。 It was hard to finish the thought。 “I 
mean; you know better than to be jealous; right?” 
He raised one eyebrow。 “Do I?” 
“Be serious。” 
“Easily — there’s nothing remotely humorous about this。” 
I frowned suspiciously。 “Or 。 。 。 is this something else altogether? Some vampiresandwerewolvesare 
alwaysenemies nonsense? Is this just a testosteronefueled —” 
His eyes blazed。 “This is only about you。 All I care is that you’re safe。” 
The black fire in his eyes was impossible to doubt。 
“Okay;” I sighed。 “I believe that。 But I want you to know something — when it es to all this enemies 
nonsense; I’m out。 I am a neutral country。 I am Switzerland。 I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes 
between mythical creatures。 Jacob is family。 You are 。 。 。 well; not exactly the love of my life; because I expect 
to love you for much longer than that。 The love of my existence。 I don’t care who’s a werewolf and who’s a 
vampire。 If Angela turns out to be a witch; she can join the party; too。” 
He stared at me silently through narrowed eyes。 
“Switzerland;” I repeated again for emphasis。 
He frowned at me; and then sighed。 “Bella 。 。 。 ;” he began; but he paused; and his nose wrinkled in 
“What now?” 
“Well 。 。 。 don’t be offended; but you smell like a dog;” he told me。 
And then he smiled crookedly; so I knew the fight was over。 For now。 

Edward had to make up for the missed hunting trip; and so he was leaving Friday night with Jasper; Emmett; 

and Carlisle to hit some reserve in Northern California with a mountain lion problem。 
We’d e to no agreement on the werewolf issue; but I didn’t feel guilty calling Jake — during my brief 
window of opportunity when Edward took the Volvo home before climbing back in through my window — to 
let him know I’d be ing over on Saturday again。 It wasn’t sneaking around。 Edward knew how I felt。 And 
if he broke my truck again; then I’d have Jacob pick me up。 Forks was neutral; just like Switzerland — just 
like me。 
So when I got off work Thursday and it was Alice rather than Edward waiting for me in the Volvo; I was 
not suspicious at first。 The passenger door was open; and music I didn’t recognize was shaking the frame 
when the bass played。 
“Hey; Alice;” I shouted over the wailing as I climbed in。 “Where’s your brother?” 
She was singing along to the song; her voice an octave higher than the melody; weaving through it with a 
plicated harmony。 She nodded at me; ignoring my question as she concentrated on the music。 
I shut my door and put my hands over my ears。 She grinned; and turned the volume down until it was just 
background。 Then she hit the locks and the gas in the same second。 
“What’s going on?” I asked; starting to feel uneasy。 “Where is Edward?” 
She shrugged。 “They left early。” 
“Oh。” I tried to control the absurd disappointment。 If he left early; that meant he’d be back sooner; I 
reminded myself。 
“All the boys went; and we’re having a slumber party!” she announced in a trilling; singsong voice。 
“A slumber party?” I repeated; the suspicion finally settling in。 
“Aren’t you excited?” she crowed。 
I met her animated gaze for a long second。 
“You’re kidnapping me; aren’t you?” 
She laughed and nodded。 “Till Saturday。 Esme cleared it with Charlie; you’re staying with me two nights; 
and I will drive you to and from school tomorrow。” 
I turned my face to the window; my teeth grinding together。 
“Sorry;” Alice said; not sounding in the least bit penitent。 “He paid me off。” 
“How?” I hissed through my teeth。 
“The Porsche。 It’s exactly like the one I stole in Italy。” She sighed happily。 “I’m not supposed to drive it 
around Forks; but if you want; we could see how long it takes to get from here to L。A。 — I bet I could have 
you back by midnight。” 
I took a deep breath。 “I think I’ll pass;” I sighed; repressing a shudder。 
We wound; always too fast; down the long drive。 Alice pulled around to the garage; and I quickly looked 
over the cars。 Emmett’s big jeep was there; with a shiny canary yellow Porsche between it and Rosalie’s red 
Alice hopped out gracefully and went to stroke her hand along the length of her bribe。 “Pretty; isn’t it?” 
“Pretty overthetop;” I grumbled; incredulous。 “He gave you that just for two days of holding me 
Alice made a face。 
A second later; prehension came and I gasped in horror。 “It’s for every time he’s gone; isn’t it?” 
She nodded。 
I slammed my door and stomped toward the house。 She danced along next to me; still unrepentant。 
“Alice; don’t you think this is just a little bit controlling? Just a tiny bit psychotic; maybe?” 
“Not really。” She sniffed。 “You don’t seem to grasp how dangerous a young werewolf can be。 Especially 
when I can’t see them。 Edward has no way to know if you’re safe。 You shouldn’t be so reckless。” 
My voice turned acidic。 “Yes; because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle of safety conscious 
Alice laughed。 “I’ll give you a pedicure and everything;” she promised。 
It wasn’t so bad; except for the fact that I was being held against my will。 Esme brought Italian food — 
the good stuff; all the way from Port Angeles — and Alice was prepared with my favorite movies。 Even 
Rosalie was there; quietly in the background。 Alice did insist on the pedicure; and I wondered if she was 
working from a list — maybe something she’d piled from watching bad sits。 

  “How late do you want to stay up?” she asked when my toenails were glistening a bloody red。 Her 
enthusiasm remained untouched by my mood。 
  “I don’t want to stay up。 We have school in the morning。” 
  She pouted。 
  “Where am I supposed to sleep; anyway?” I measured the couch with my eyes。 It was a little short。 
“Can’t you just keep me under surveillance at my house?” 
  “What kind of a slumber party would that be?” Alice shook her head in exasperation。 “You’re sleeping in 
Edward’s room。” 
  I sighed。 His black leather sofa was longer than this one。 Actually; the gold carpet in his room was 
probably thick enough that the floor wouldn’t be half bad either。 
  “Can I go back to my place to get my things; at least?” 
  She grinned。 “Already taken care of。” 
  “Am I allowed to use your phone?” 
  “Charlie knows where you are。” 
  “I wasn’t going to call Charlie。” I frowned。 “Apparently; I have some plans to cancel。” 
  “Oh。” She deliberated。 “I’m not sure about that。” 
  “Alice!” I whined loudly。 “C’mon!” 
  “Okay; okay;” she said; flitting from the room。 She was back in half a second; cell phone in hand。 “He 
didn’t specifically prohibit this 。 。 。 ;” she murmured to herself as she handed it to me。 
  I dialed Jacob’s number; hoping he wasn’t out running with his friends tonight。 Luck was with me — 
Jacob was the one to answer。 
  “Hey; Jake; it’s me。” Alice watched me with expressionless eyes for a second; before she turned and went 
to sit between Rosalie and Esme on the sofa。 
  “Hi; Bella;” Jacob said; suddenly cautious。 “What’s up?” 
  “Nothing good。 I can’t e over Saturday after all。” 
  It was silent for a minute。 “Stupid bloodsucker;” he finally muttered。 “I thought he was leaving。 Can’t you 
have a life when he’s gone? Or does he lock you in a coffin?” 
  I laughed。 
  “I don’t think that’s funny。” 
  “I’m only laughing because you’re close;” I told him。 “But he’s going to be here Saturday; so it doesn’t 
  “Will he be feeding there in Forks; then?” Jacob asked cuttingly。 
  “No。” I didn’t let myself get irritated with him。 I wasn’t that far from being as angry as he was。 “He left 
  “Oh。 Well; hey; e over now; then;” he said with sudden enthusiasm。 “It’s not that late。 Or I’ll e up 
to Charlie’s。” 
  “I wish。 I’m not at Charlie’s;” I said sourly。 “I’m kind of being held prisoner。” 
  He was silent as that sunk in; and then he growled。 “We’ll e and get you;” he promised in a flat voice; 
slipping automatically into a plural。 
  A chill slid down my spine; but I answered in a light and teasing voice。 “Tempting。 I have been tortured — 
Alice painted my toenails。” 
  “I’m serious。” 
  “Don’t be。 They’re just trying to keep me safe。” 
  He growled again。 
  “I know it’s silly; but their hearts are in the right place。” 
  “Their hearts!” he scoffed。 
  “Sorry about Saturday;” I apologized。 “I’ve got to hit the sack” — the couch; I corrected mentally — “but 
I’ll call you again soon。” 
  “Are you sure they’ll let you?” he asked in a scathing tone。 
  “Not pletely。” I sighed。 “’Night; Jake。” 
  “See you around。” 

 Alice was abruptly at my side; her hand held out for the phone; but I was already dialing。 She saw the 
 “I don’t think he’ll have his phone on him;” she said。 
 “I’ll leave a message。” 
 The phone rang four times; followed by a beep。 There was no greeting。 
 “You are in trouble;” I said slowly; emphasizing each word。 “Enormous trouble。 Angry grizzly bears are 
going to look tame n

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