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3 eclipse月食-第19章

小说: 3 eclipse月食 字数: 每页4000字

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 “Is something wrong?” she asked in a low voice now。 “You seem 。 。 。 anxious。” 
 I smiled sheepishly。 “Is it that obvious?” 
 “Not really。” 
 She was probably lying to make me feel better。 
 “You don’t have to talk about it unless you want to;” she assured me。 “I’ll listen if you think it will help。” 
 I was about to say thanks; but no thanks。 After all; there were just too many secrets I was bound to 
keep。 I really couldn’t discuss my problems with someone human。 That was against the rules。 
 And yet; with a strange; sudden intensity; that’s exactly what I wanted。 I wanted to talk to a normal human 
girlfriend。 I wanted to moan a little bit; like any other teenage girl。 I wanted my problems to be that simple。 It 
would also be nice to have someone outside the whole vampirewerewolf mess to put things in perspective。 
Someone unbiased。 
 “I’ll mind my own business;” Angela promised; smiling down at the address she was working on。 
 “No;” I said。 “You’re right。 I am anxious。 It’s 。 。 。 it’s Edward。” 
 “What’s wrong?” 
 It was so easy to talk to Angela。 When she asked a question like that; I could tell that she wasn’t just 
morbidly curious or looking for gossip; like Jessica would have been。 She cared that I was upset。 
 “Oh; he’s mad at me。” 
 “That’s hard to imagine;” she said。 “What’s he mad about?” 
 I sighed。 “Do you remember Jacob Black?” 
 “Ah;” she said。 
 “He’s jealous。” 
 “No; not jealous 。 。 。” I should have kept my mouth shut。 There was no way to explain this right。 But I 
wanted to keep talking anyway。 I hadn’t realized I was so starved for human conversation。 “Edward thinks 
Jacob is 。 。 。 a bad influence; I guess。 Sort of 。 。 。 dangerous。 You know how much trouble I got in a few 
months back。 。 。 。 It’s all ridiculous; though。” 
 I was surprised to see Angela shaking her head。 
 “What?” I asked。 
 “Bella; I’ve seen how Jacob Black looks at you。 I’d bet the real problem is jealousy。” 
 “It’s not like that with Jacob。” 
 “For you; maybe。 But for Jacob 。 。 。” 
 I frowned。 “Jacob knows how I feel。 I’ve told him everything。” 
 “Edward’s only human; Bella。 He’s going to react like any other boy。” 
 I grimaced。 I didn’t have a response to that。 

 She patted my hand。 “He’ll get over it。” 
 “I hope so。 Jake’s going through kind of a tough time。 He needs me。” 
 “You and Jacob are pretty close; aren’t you?” 
 “Like family;” I agreed。 
 “And Edward doesn’t like him。 。 。 。 That must be hard。 I wonder how Ben would handle that?” she 
 I halfsmiled。 “Probably just like any other boy。” 
 She grinned。 “Probably。” 
 Then she changed the subject。 Angela wasn’t one to pry; and she seemed to sense I wouldn’t — couldn’t 
— say any more。 
 “I got my dorm assignment yesterday。 The farthest building from campus; naturally。” 
 “Does Ben know where he’s staying yet?” 
 “The closest dorm to campus。 He’s got all the luck。 How about you? Did you decide where you’re going? 
 I stared down; concentrating on the clumsy scrawl of my handwriting。 For a second I was distracted by 
the thought of Angela and Ben at the University of Washington。 They would be off to Seattle in just a few 
months。 Would it be safe then? Would the wild young vampire menace have moved elsewhere? Would there 
be a new place by then; some other city flinching from horrormovie headlines? 
 Would those new headlines be my fault? 
 I tried to shake it off and answered her question a beat late。 “Alaska; I think。 The university there in 
 I could hear the surprise in her voice。 “Alaska? Oh。 Really? I mean; that’s great。 I just figured you’d go 
somewhere 。 。 。 warmer。” 
 I laughed a little; still staring at the envelope。 “Yeah。 Forks has really changed my perspective on life。” 
 “And Edward?” 
 Though his name set butterflies fluttering in my stomach; I looked up and grinned at her。 “Alaska’s not too 
cold for Edward; either。” 
 She grinned back。 “Of course not。” And then she sighed。 “It’s so far。 You won’t be able to e home 
very often。 I’ll miss you。 Will you email me?” 
 A swell of quiet sadness crashed over me; maybe it was a mistake to get closer to Angela now。 But 
wouldn’t it be sadder still to miss out on these last chances? I shook off the unhappy thoughts; so that I could 
answer her teasingly。 
 “If I can type again after this。” I nodded toward the stack of envelopes I’d done。 
 We laughed; and it was easy then to chat cheerfully about classes and majors while we finished the rest — 
all I had to do was not think about it。 Anyway; there were more urgent things to worry about today。 
 I helped her put the stamps on; too。 I was afraid to leave。 
 “How’s your hand?” she asked。 
 I flexed my fingers。 “I think I’ll recover the full use of it 。 。 。 someday。” 
 The door banged downstairs; and we both looked up。 
 “Ang?” Ben called。 
 I tried to smile; but my lips trembled。 “I guess that’s my cue to leave。” 
 “You don’t have to go。 Though he’s probably going to describe the movie for me 。 。 。 in detail。” 
 “Charlie will be wondering where I am anyway。” 
 “Thanks for helping me。” 
 “I had a good time; actually。 We should do something like this again。 It was nice to have some girl time。” 
 There was a light knock on the bedroom door。 
 “e in; Ben;” Angela said。 
 I got up and stretched。 
 “Hey; Bella! You survived;” Ben greeted me quickly before going to take my place by Angela。 He eyed 
our work。 “Nice job。 Too bad there’s nothing left to do; I would have 。 。 。” He let the thought trail off; and 
then restarted excitedly。 “Ang; I can’t believe you missed this one! It was awesome。 There was this final fight 

sequence — the choreography was unbelievable! This one guy — well; you’re going to have to see it to know 
what I’m talking about —” 
Angela rolled her eyes at me。 
“See you at school;” I said with a nervous laugh。 
She sighed。 “See you。” 
I was jumpy on the way out to my truck; but the street was empty。 I spent the whole drive glancing 
anxiously in all my mirrors; but there was never any sign of the silver car。 
His car was not in front of the house; either; though that meant little。 
“Bella?” Charlie called when I opened the front door。 
“Hey; Dad。” 
I found him in the living room; in front of the TV。 
“So; how was your day?” 
“Good;” I said。 Might as well tell him everything — he’d hear it from Billy soon enough。 Besides; it would 
make him happy。 “They didn’t need me at work; so I went down to La Push。” 
There wasn’t enough surprise in his face。 Billy had already talked to him。 
“How’s Jacob?” Charlie asked; attempting to sound indifferent。 
“Good;” I said; just as casual。 
“You get over to the Webers’?” 
“Yep。 We got all her announcements addressed。” 
“That’s nice。” Charlie smiled a wide smile。 He was strangely focused; considering that there was a game 
on。 “I’m glad you spent some time with your friends today。” 
“Me; too。” 
I ambled toward the kitchen; looking for busy work。 Unfortunately; Charlie had already cleaned up his 
lunch。 I stood there for a few minutes; staring at the bright patch of light the sun made on the floor。 But I knew 
I couldn’t delay this forever。 
“I’m going to go study;” I announced glumly as I headed up the stairs。 
“See you later;” Charlie called after me。 
If I survive; I thought to myself。 
I shut my bedroom door carefully before I turned to face my room。 
Of course he was there。 He stood against the wall across from me; in the shadow beside the open 
window。 His face was hard and his posture tense。 He glared at me wordlessly。 
I cringed; waiting for the torrent; but it didn’t e。 He just continued to glare; possibly too angry to 
“Hi;” I finally said。 
His face could have been carved from stone。 I counted to a hundred in my head; but there was no change。 
“Er 。 。 。 so; I’m still alive;” I began。 
A growl rumbled low in his chest; but his expression didn’t change。 
“No harm done;” I insisted with a shrug。 
He moved。 His eyes closed; and he pinched the bridge of his nose between the fingers of his right hand。 
“Bella;” he whispered。 “Do you have any idea how close I came to crossing the line today? To breaking 
the treaty and ing after you? Do you know what that would have meant?” 
I gasped and his eyes opened。 They were as cold and hard as night。 
“You can’t!” I said too loudly。 I worked to modulate the volume of my voice so Charlie wouldn’t hear; 
but I wanted to shout the words。 “Edward; they’d use any excuse for a fight。 They’d love that。 You can’t ever 
break the rules!” 
“Maybe they aren’t the only ones who would enjoy a fight。” 
“Don’t you start;” I snapped。 “You made the treaty — you stick to it。” 
“If he’d hurt you —” 
“Enough!” I cut him off。 “There’s nothing to worry about。 Jacob isn’t dangerous。” 
“Bella。” He rolled his eyes。 “You aren’t exactly the best judge of what is or isn’t dangerous。” 
“I know I don’t have to worry about Jake。 And neither do you。” 
He ground his teeth together。 His hands were balled up in fists at his sides。 He was still standing against the 

wall; and I hated the space between us。 
I took a deep breath; and crossed the room。 He didn’t move when I wrapped my arms around him。 Next 
to the warmth of the last of the afternoon sun streaming through the window; his skin felt especially icy。 He 
seemed like ice; too; frozen the way he was。 
“I’m sorry I made you anxious;” I muttered。 
He sighed; and relaxed a little。 His arms wound around my waist。 
“Anxious is a bit of an understatement;” he murmured。 “It was a very long day。” 
“You weren’t supposed to know about it;” I reminded him。 “I thought you’d be hunting longer。” 
I looked up at his face; at his defensive eyes; I hadn’t noticed in the stress of the moment; but they were 
too dark。 The rings under them were deep purple。 I frowned in disapproval。 
“When Alice saw you disappear; I came back;” he explained。 
“You shouldn’t have done that。 Now you’ll have to go away again。” My frown inten

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