667中文网 > 恐怖悬疑电子书 > Steal The Sun(战争间谍) >


Steal The Sun(战争间谍)-第42章

小说: Steal The Sun(战争间谍) 字数: 每页4000字

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“That’s all。”
“Good。 It is done。”
San Francisco
27 Hours 31 Minutes After Trinity
The door to the embalming room closed softly behind Kestrel。 Even so; Refugio was startled。
His fever magnified and distorted sounds。 He wanted desperately to sleep; but the conflicting
agonies in his guts and thigh made sleep impossible。
Kestrel’s voice was close; calm; cool; like water。
Kestrel wrung out a rag and placed it on Refugio’s forehead。 “The pain is very bad for you?”
Refugio did not answer for a moment; then sighed。 “If it were not a sin to wish for death; I
“To me;” said Kestrel; “death is an interruption between lives; not a sin。”
Refugio would have smiled had the pain not been so cruel。 “If I had to feel like this again; I
would spit on another life。”
His hot hand closed around Kestrel’s wrist as the Japanese moved the damp cloth from
forehead to basin and back again。
“But what is worse than the pain is the time when I’m falling and there’s nothing but hot black
sand around me; filling my mouth and nose; going down my throat and I’m choking; dying – “
Slowly; the Mexican’s fingers loosened。 His head fell slackly onto the pillow。 Kestrel dipped the
rag in water again; wrung it out and wiped Refugio’s face。 Clumps of hair fell away as Kestrel
worked。 Refugio began retching helplessly; too weak even to move his head。 Blood gathered on
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his lips and he choked。 Kestrel turned Refugio quickly; holding his head so that he would not
gag on his own blood。
“Madre de Dios;” moaned Refugio; twisting in agony。 “That pigfucker poisoned his bullets。 I
will die。”
“Yes;” Kestrel said; “you will die。”
Kestrel moved the rag again over Refugio’s face; blurring the distinction between sweat and
tears; then he lifted Refugio upright so that he could breathe without choking。
“How – long?” gasped Refugio。
“Two days。 A week。 Or now; Refugio。 Would you prefer to die now?”
Refugio tried not to moan。 Then; realizing what Kestrel had said; he stared into the slanted black
eyes so close to his own。
“Suicide is a mortal sin;” said Refugio; his voice shallow and hoarse。
“I’m not a Catholic;” said Kestrel; “and I’m not speaking of suicide。”
In the silence; Kestrel could hear Refugio’s fast; shallow breathing。
“Please understand me;” said Refugio; his tongue thick with pain。 “I’m Catholic。 I can’t ask for
death。 Please – you must – understand。 I can’t – ask。”
Kestrel nodded。 As he lowered Refugio back onto the gurney; his head lolled back over
Kestrel’s arm。 Kestrel’s right hand moved in a blur of speed and power。 With a single clean
crack; its calloused edge broke Refugio’s neck。
There was silence; then came Ana’s thin; strangled cry。
Kestrel spun toward the door that opened into the flower shop。 He saw Ana’s startlingly pale
face; her wide black eyes ringed by the hated blue makeup; her white teeth bruising her lower lip。
“Ana; Ana;” murmured Kestrel。 “When will you learn not to open doors?”
Ana looked at him wildly。 She started to speak; but could not。 She wanted to be comforted; but
the only man who could comfort her was the very man who had frightened her。
“You’re very American; Ana Oshiga; American and Christian。 You would have left Refugio in
agony and called it the will of God。” Kestrel went to a long counter and began opening drawers。
He moved quickly; collecting the items he needed。 “Bring my uniform;” he said without turning
around。 “Quickly。 And get two pails from the flower shop。”
Ana watched Kestrel; carrying a handful of makeup; approach the corpse。
She fled back into the flower shop。
When she returned with the two buckets and uniform; Refugio’s corpse was naked on the
embalming table。
“Bolt the door。”
Ana turned and fumbled with the bolt。
“They’re leaving;” she said hesitantly。 “The Rincons。 They’ve taken the flower trucks and the
hearses and all but one car。”
Kestrel dressed the corpse。 The uniform was too small。 He opened up the back of the clothes
with a scalpel。 When he tucked the split cloth beneath the body; the rents in the back were
The corpse now wore the clothes of a Nisei and the face of an Indio。 Kestrel sewed shut the
mouth and powdered and rouged the dead skin。 He had a certain skill with cosmetics; but the
eyes defeated him。 Short of surgery; Kestrel knew of no way to fake an epicanthic fold。
“Like this;” said Ana。
She took the dark pencil with hands that trembled。 A few deft strokes increased the slant of each
eye and suggested a fold on each eyelid。 Like the uniform; the eyes would now pass a cursory
“Good;” said Kestrel。 Then; hearing the harshness of his own voice he added; “Thank you。”
Ana looked at Kestrel’s eyes; then looked away quickly。 “I was wrong;” she whispered。 “I’m a
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coward。 I’m glad he’s dead and I don’t have to hear him moan and see him – but I wouldn’t have
killed – I couldn’t – I – “ She began sobbing。
“Hush。 It’s almost over。”
Kestrel touched the tears at the corner of her eyes; then turned back to what must be done。 He
went to the coffin room; selected the lightest coffin he could find and dragged it into the
embalming room。
He pulled the coffin onto a gurney; then heaved Refugio’s corpse into it; arranged the body; and
wheeled the coffin back into the storage room。 He nailed the lid down。
“Bring some makeup for me;” Kestrel called over his shoulder。 He put one piece of
foil…wrapped U…235 in each bucket。 “I’ll have to be an Indio until we get to Manzanar。”
The garage was dark and damp; as though the sun never penetrated the interior。 In the midst of
the gloom was a black Chevrolet sedan。 Kestrel opened its trunk and placed a bucket along one
He brought the second pail and wedged it as far away from the first as the trunk allowed。 He
waited; squinting into the dark hole of the truck。 No blue haze shimmered into life。 It was a
crude gauge of safety; but it was the only one he had。
The heavy trunk lid slammed shut with a thick; final sound。 Kestrel went to the door that opened
into the alley and peered out。 No one was in sight。 If there were any watchers; they had been
drawn off by the Rincón exodus。
As Kestrel opened the garage’s big double doors; Ana ran in from the front of the funeral
home; carrying two suitcases。 She sat on the right side of the car; waiting for Kestrel。 He slid
into the driver’s side and started the engine。
In the sunlight flooding through the open garage door; Ana looked pale; thin…lipped; distraught。
“Cry now; Ana。 It will help。”
Ana gave Kestrel a look that he could not read。
“And you; Kestrel。 When will you cry?”
Kestrel drove the car out of the garage without answering。 Ana did not ask the question again。
Nor did she cry。
San Francisco
27 Hours 38 Minutes After Trinity
Vanessa paced the room; her body tense; her eyes brilliant with suppressed emotion。 Hecht sat
very quietly; his hands clenched around the cold weight of the gun and ammunition he had
purchased。 He watched Vanessa’s luminous beauty with more fear than admiration。
“Comrade;” said Hecht hesitantly; again holding out the brown paper bag; “the gun。”
Vanessa gave Hecht a single; savage glance。 She had watched flower trucks and funeral cars leave
their respective shops。 She had watched; and been helpless。 She needed fifteen men。 All she had
was Slaven and a nitwit with pretensions to international communism。
At the moment; Slaven was chasing one of four dusty black funeral cars。 The flower store and
funeral home might or might not be a trap; might or might not be baited with something
significant。 She must know; and she must depend on Hecht to find out。
Vanessa made a sound of disgust。
“Have I done something wrong?” asked Hecht; looking away from Vanessa’s fierce blue eyes。
“You were born;” said Vanessa; but she said it in Russian because she still had a use for Hecht。
She took the paper bag from him and examined its contents。 At least he had managed to buy the
right size ammunition。 The gun itself was used; dirty; and still had a pawnshop number dangling
from its trigger guard。 She checked the weapon skillfully; then shrugged。 It might fire a few more
rounds before it fell apart。
Vanessa loaded the gun; put the hammer in the safe position and returned the weapon to Hecht。
He handled it awkwardly。
“Get used to it;” she said。
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Hecht looked up; startled。 “I thought it was for you!”
“I have one。”
She returned to the window; hoping to see Slaven with an unwilling Mexican in tow。 There was
one thing she had to know; a question only a Rincón would answer: which vehicle contained
Refugio and two lumps of U…235? She would pay well for that information。
Abruptly; she turned back to Hecht。 “Go see if the stores are locked。 Try the front first; then the
back。 If the funeral home is open; come back here immediately。”
“What about this?” asked Hecht; holding up the pawnshop pistol。
“Shoot yourself;” suggested Vanessa in Russian。
Sonoma County
28 Hours 2 Minutes After Trinity
The black Ford flashed between rows of grapevines falling away from both sides of the country
road。 Riley dozed in the front seat。
“Heads up;” warned Finn。 He turned off onto a dirt farm…road。
The Salerno Brothers winery was a mile off the highway。 There were scattered outbuildings and
two large old barns with steep roofs supported by thick fieldstone walls。
Seven Mexican field hands; braceros; stood in the front yard; shaded by a large sycamore。 Finn
glanced their way as he got out of the car。 A restlessness in their manner caught his eye。 One of
the men said something in Spanish。 The others laughed。
Deputy Branscomb met Finn and Riley in the doorway of the winery。 A large pocket watch
gleamed in his rough…knuckled hand。
“Fifty…nine minutes and a few odd seconds。 Not bad at all; for amateurs。” Branscomb slipped
the watch back into the slash pocket of his worn green uniform pants。 “Back here;” he said;
leading them into the cool interior of the winery。
The sweet…sharp smell of green wine filled the building。 Twenty…foot…high redwood holding
tanks lined the aisle; their round sides girdle

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