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Steal The Sun(战争间谍)-第39章

小说: Steal The Sun(战争间谍) 字数: 每页4000字

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“There was nothing else left to do。 The FBI is watching every known or suspected communist
agent; one of them has been approached by a blond woman with a British accent。 We put out
grab notices on Refugio and a Jap spy; and what did we get?”
“Eight Mexicans; three Chinese and a Korean。 Drunks。”
“We put four bodies through a FBI sieve。 What did we find out?”
“We found out they’re dead;” said Riley。
“The weapons and the laundry van and the laundry and – “
“As for the lead;” said Finn; ‘‘we now know that in the Bay Area; no new orders for lead have
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been processed in the last twenty…four hours。 Nobody has bought a pile of toy soldiers; religious
statues; frogs – “
“Frogs?” yelped Riley。 “What the hell do frogs have to do with this?”
“Flower holders;” explained Finn; then continued with his list。 “Old batteries; scrap; new
batteries – I forgot something。”
“Coffins;” said Riley after a moment。
“Yeah。 Coffins。 All the lead…lined luxury models sold recently are wrapped around dead
customers。” Finn stopped abruptly。 “In short; we seem to be fishing in the dark with a broken
hook。” He returned his attention to his food。
“The problem with fishing in the dark;” said Riley; “is that the damned hooks have a way of
ending up in the wrong places。 A man could hurt himself fishing in the dark。”
Frowning; Finn; picked up the empty wine bottle。 He turned it around in his hands; staring at it
as though the answer to his problem were concealed in the green glass curves。 He liked Riley。
Even worse; he felt responsible for the young agent。 Finn did not want to be responsible for any
life except his own。 But there Riley sat; too young; too kind。 Green on green; like the glass
turning between his hands。 Abruptly; Finn’s fingers closed around the neck of the bottle。 “You
ever take any physics in college?”
Riley’s face showed his surprise。 He nodded his head and waited。
“You know about radioactivity?”
“What we’re looking for is two pieces of white; radioactive metal。 Alone; each piece is hot; but
not dangerously so。 If you get the pieces too close; they can get hot enough to kill。”
Riley stared at the empty green bottle that was again rolling between Finn’s lean hands。 “What
exactly does that mean?”
“It means that the thieves really fucked up when they left behind the lead shipping canister。
They’re playing with fire。 Problem is; they can’t see the flames or feel the heat。 And neither can
Riley sighed。 “At least I understand now why you have a hundred agents scouring the Bay Area
for lead。 You figure the thieves will have to use it as a shield or wrapper to absorb the radiation
from the stolen stuff – whatever that is。”
“Uranium;” said Finn。 “Pure uranium…235。”
“How many micrograms were stolen?”
“Try kilograms。 Close to ten。”
Riley’s mouth opened and closed soundlessly。 He licked his lips and tried again。 “I didn’t know
there was that much U…235 on the whole planet。 How did we ever get that much all in one
“I don’t know。 It cost around one billion bucks; if that gives you a clue。”
Riley sat without moving; chewing on the information like under…cooked sphagetti。 “Well;” he
said at last; “thank God all the lead in northern California is accounted for。”
“Wrong;” said Finn flatly。 “All the lead in all the places we’ve thought to look is accounted for。”
Finn paused; staring at the wine bottle rolling between his palms。 Then he put down the bottle
and fingered the thick metal foil that covered the neck。 The foil peeled off easily。 He rolled a
long strip of it between his fingers。 It made a hard; heavy ball the size of a pea。 “Lead;” breathed
Riley。 “By God; lead!”
“How many wineries are there in northern California?”
“Can’t be more than fifty;” said Riley。 Then; hastily; “Pray to God no more than fifty。”
“That’s twenty…five apiece;” said Finn; standing up
and throwing money on the table。 “Any more than that and they’re all yours; Riley。”
San Francisco
26 Hours 38 Minutes After Trinity
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Vanessa twitched aside the white curtain; a gesture that had become almost automatic。 The long
night had given her too much time to think; and her thoughts had been as gloomy as San
Francisco’s fog。
Failure was a death sentence for her。 At some unknown; but not far distant moment; Beria
would decide that the chance that Vanessa would recover the uranium was smaller than the
chance that Stalin would discover her secret assignment。 At that moment; an NKVD assassin
would be given Vanessa’s name。
She looked through the glass as she had all night。 No lights had shown in the Fragrant Petal; no
cars had parked nearby; no one had gone into the shop since the Japanese soldier yesterday
afternoon。 She had not seen him come out。
The appearance of a Nisei officer at a flower shop owned by the cousin of the man who had
betrayed her and killed Masarek was too remarkable to be taken for mere coincidence。 She had
immediately tried to find reinforcements but the two numbers she had called were answered by
people who gave her coded warnings instead of recognition signals。 A third call; to a safe house
in Los Angeles; had been properly answered。 She was told that the FBI was openly watching
every known or suspected agent in the Bay Area。
One of the Los Angeles agents was on his way to San Francisco to help her; but until he arrived;
Hecht was all she had。 The thought both angered and depressed her。
A light knock on the door brought her out of the chair。 With her silenced pistol in one hand; she
opened the door a crack; then admitted Hecht。
“Are you armed?” said Vanessa before he could speak。
“Armed?” asked Hecht; his voice rising。 “You mean a gun?” He looked confused and tired; as
though he had not slept well。
“This is an armed struggle; comrade;” said Vanessa。 “Surely even you understand that much。
You’re a communist; aren’t you?”
“Of course;” replied Hecht。 “I’ve read all of Marx and Lenin and Stalin。” The litany of names
seemed to comfort him。 His voice became more calm。 “It’s just that we’re not used to the armed
struggle here in the United States。 We’re not as advanced morally as our Soviet comrades。”
There was no derision in his voice; only self…pity。
“Pistols don’t recognize advancement in revolution or morality。 Are you armed?”
Hecht shook his head。 “I don’t even know how to use a gun。”
For an instant; Vanessa pitied Hecht almost as much as she despised him。 There were many
American communists like him; naive idealists playing at revolution。 They hated; but only
weakly。 Few of them had the toughness of mind or body to bring down a government。
But Hecht was all she had to work with right now。 She would use him until a real agent arrived;
and then she would kill him。
“ple;” she said。 “You will go buy a wreath for your father’s
Sonoma County
26 Hours 59 Minutes After Trinity
The Sonoma County sheriffs office was nearly as old as the middle…aged deputy who was typing
up a burglary report。 The typewriter he used stuck with monotonous regularity; impeding a
process already slowed by the deputy’s lack of skill and interest。
“Damn;” sighed Deputy Anthony Branscomb; reaching yet again to untangle keys。
The telephone rang。 Branscomb grabbed it; relieved to set aside the report。
“Sheriffs office。 Branscomb;” he answered。
“Riley。 FBI;” said a hoarse voice。 “You had any wineries robbed in the last twenty…four hours?”
“FBI? How the hell did you find out so fast? I haven’t even typed up the report yet!”
“How much lead foil was taken?”
“How did you know – “ Branscomb realized he was repeating himself。 “Hey; is this some kind
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of gag?”
“Less than twenty pounds。 They’d been bottling a vat of red and – “
“Give me directions to the winery from San Francisco。”
“What’s so damned important about a few pounds of foil?”
“We’re at war; remember?”
Branscomb sighed and gave directions with a county sheriffs intimate knowledge of short cuts。
“Right;” said Riley。 “Meet us there in an hour。”
“Weren’t you listening?” said Branscomb。 “That’s at least eighty miles – eight zero – and it’s
rush hour down where you are。”
“One hour; deputy。 And tell the local speed traps to stay clear of a black Ford coupe driven by
a wild man in a cowboy hat。”
San Francisco
27 Hours 4 Minutes After Trinity
Hecht stood irresolutely in front of the Fragrant Petal。 The card in the window said OPEN; but
no one was working at the counter where flowers were piled; waiting to be made into bouquets。
He took a fast drag on his cigaret; threw it into the gutter and pushed tentatively on the shop
The door opened without the sound of the customary shopkeeper’s bell。 Hecht looked around
nervously; expecting someone to challenge his presence。 No one did。
With increasing confidence; Hecht walked past the counter and into the rear of the shop。 There
were more flowers bunched in tin pails; mounds of greenery under wet towels; pottery frogs of
all sizes; florist’s shears; tape; pins; soft clay; everything but the human hands needed to
transform chaos into an aesthetic whole。
Hecht hesitated; knowing he would be questioned carefully by the woman whose name he did
not even know。 His footsteps sounded loud as he walked toward the door leading into the
garage。 He had been told to be particularly interested in the garage。 He reached for the door;
then froze。 He could hear voices; a man and a woman speaking a language he did not recognize。
Slowly; Hecht retreated。 As he did; he saw another door; this one appearing to lead from the
back room of the flower shop to the funeral home next door。 The connection between the two
businesses was not apparent from the street。 He tiptoed toward the door。
The embalming room was harshly lit。 It smelled of formaldehyde and death。 At either end of the
room was a porcelain table with an inset drain to carry off body fluids。 Near the table next to the
door was a sheet…covered corpse on a gurney。 On the porcelain table was a gray…white mass that
Hecht immediately assumed was a human brain。
He closed his eyes; afraid if he saw any more he would be sick。 The

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