667中文网 > 恐怖悬疑电子书 > Steal The Sun(战争间谍) >


Steal The Sun(战争间谍)-第15章

小说: Steal The Sun(战争间谍) 字数: 每页4000字

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Kestrel’s frown deepened。 Hunters Point was one of America’s major Pacific naval depots;
debarkation point for many of the warships that harried the Imperial Navy。
“When will he be at Hunters Point?” asked Kestrel。
Ana spoke rapidly; listened; then turned to Kestrel。 “The car they’ll use after Hunters Point has
to be in Oakland by 3 A。M。 on the 16th; so he assumes that the theft will occur before then。”
The 16th。 Less than two days away。 If he had to stay in Juarez because of the test; then someone
would have to go to Oakland in his place。 He could not trust Refugio to deliver the weapon
unless someone was there; watching him。 But the only person who could go in Kestrel’s place
was Ana。 Takagura had been adamant in his belief that Ana was the only other person he could
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trust with the Emperor’s highest secrets。
Yet the thought of sending Ana made Kestrel deeply uneasy。 She was trained only for the safer
aspects of espionage; translating periodicals and enemy documents obtained by other agents
who risked their lives to steal the information。
“Can Refugio get the cars or does he need Takagura’s help?” asked Kestrel。
“The cars are taken care of;” said Ana after a moment。 She added; “They’re paying him 15;000
American dollars。”
Kestrel shrugged。 “Our bargain remains。 Three times what they pay him; I will pay。”
Ana’s eyes widened; but none of her shock showed in her voice。 She spoke into the phone and
then listened。
“The Englishwoman will meet them in Oakland after the theft and drive back with them to the
tunnel。 She’s more than just Masarek’s whore。 She is his equal; perhaps his superior。”
Kestrel’s eyes narrowed; emphasizing the harsh planes of his face。 Ana looked away quickly; this
was the Kestrel she sensed beneath the polite; polished exterior; the samurai she both admired
and feared。
“Where will she meet them?” asked Kestrel。
Ana asked Refugio; waited; then translated quickly。 “Oakland。 I know the place he means。 On
the waterfront。 Factories。 Cars and many trucks。 A few more won’t be noticed。”
“Tell Refugio not to kill the woman when he kills Masarek。 I  if I
can’t meet him on the waterfront; you will。 You’ll pick up him; the woman; and whatever they
stole and bring them to his cousin’s flower shop。 When I get there; I’ll give him 15;000。 The
other 30;000 wil be paid when we’re safe in Mexico。 Do you understand?”
Ana nodded; understanding too much – and not enough。 She buried her unease beneath a rush
of Spanish。 Then she paused; said “Si” and hung up。
Eyes hooded; body perfectly still; Kestrel sat a few feet away; watching her。 He had not intended
to involve her so deeply in his actions。 She was born American; not Japanese; and was alien to
the samurai tradition。 He doubted that she had ever seen more than her monthly blood。 He
hoped she would not be there when Refugio killed Masarek。 He hoped she would not have to
see those agonizing minutes when sweat dulled the English woman’s bright hair and the woman
screamed and begged until finally answers tumbled out of her bleeding lips; words and sense and
nonsense; anything to stop the pain…。
Kestrel sighed; regretting General Arisue’s orders。 But perhaps the bomb test would not be for
several days。 Then he would have time to go to Hunters Point and Alamo…gordo both。 He must
find out the test date soon。 But first he must give Ana something more to hold on to than vague
yearnings for Japan。 She was too American to die for something she could not touch。
He held out his hand。 His voice was gentle。 “Will you sit beside me?”
Ana’s fingertips brushed Kestrel’s palm。 Her nails oons; as gently curved
as her body。 When she sat down; the hem of her silk kimono settled across his thigh。 She moved
to gather in the cloth; but his hand stopped her。
“Beautiful;” said Kestrel; stroking the rose…colored silk that glowed against the black fabric of
his trousers。 He looked up suddenly; holding her with his dark Asiatic eyes。 “I don’t want you to
go to Hunters Point; Ana。 I don’t want you to be hurt。 But I may have no choice。”
Kestrel’s voice was as gentle as his fingers touching Ana’s robe; but the truth of his words was
not gentle at all。
“Unless;” his fingers moved from the silk of her kimono to the silk of her skin; “there is time for
me to go to San Francisco and get back before the test。 But I don’t know when the test is。”
“I’ve tried to find out;” Ana said quickly。
“I know。 It’s not your fault。 It’s karma。” Kestrel’s smile was genuine and sad。
“I don’t mind going back to San Francisco;” Ana said; running the words together; hoping to
cover the lie and knowing it lay in the middle of her words like a stone。 “I’m just… frightened。”
Kestrel gathered Ana into his lap as he would a child。 He felt the warmth of her hands through
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his shirt as she held on to him fiercely; as though she could share his strength just by touching
“You’re very brave。 Yes;” he repeated; sensing argument in her suddenly stiff body; “brave。 You
gave up everything you knew out of loyalty to a country that lives only in your mind。”
Ana said nothing。 In the silence came the sound of wind chimes turning in a slow stirring of air。
“When I was a child – “ Ana’s voice trembled; then broke。
“Yes; Ana?”
“I didn’t belong anyates were Mexican; not Nisei;
because my father was a field worker。 But I wasn’t Mexican。 When I was older we lived in San
Francisco; but by then I was more Mexican than Nisei。 In school they told me I was American
and I believed them until – until – “
“Pearl Harbor。”
“Yes!” Ana looked up at Kestrel; her eyes deep with tears and rage。 “A country I’d never seen
bombed a place I’d never heard of and suddenly I was a criminal! AJap”
Ana closed her eyes; shuddering with the effort of controlling herself。 When she spoke again; her
voice was calm。 “They were right about one thing。 I am Japanese。”
Kestrel shook his head; knowing Ana was never more American than when she defied the
American government and fled。 The true Japanese were still scattered across America in prison
camps; accepting their karma with the unflinching loyalty and stoicism of their Japanese heritage。
But Kestrel did not tell Ana his thoughts; he could not; for she would not understand that
slanted eyes and silk kimonos did not make her Japanese。 Yet she had courage; and she was a
sweet warmth in his lap。
Kestrel bent his head until his lips rested on Ana’s neck。 She pressed more closely to his chest。
The phone rang。 Ana made an involuntary sound of rebellion。 Kestrel’s lips brushed the curve of
her ear。
“There is time;” he said。 “I’ve waited since I first saw you。”
The phone rang; demanding。
Ana shifted in Kestrel’s lap。 Through the silk of her kimono she felt his heat and desire。
Reassured; she smiled and leaned across him to pick up the phone。
“Bueno;” said Ana; settling comfortably against Kestrel。
“Bueno; se?orita。 Como esta?”
Ana’s hand tightened on the phone as she recognized the clean; unaccented Spanish of the man
who always made her feel like a child。 The world and the war returned to her in a cold rush。 Her
rebellion showed in her voice and in the tension of her body。
A momentary tightening went through Kestrel’s body; followed by a deep relaxation that
permitted him to focus only on the instant that was before him。 He was wholly alert in the
presence of his enemy; alive in a way Ana would never understand。 He had no doubt that Finn
was his enemy。 When he had described the man in the Green Parrot to Ana; she had immediately
identified Finn。 She hated the American; but they met anyway; whenever Takagura had
misleading half…truths or cunning lies to pass on to U。S。 intelligence agents。 Although Ana had
not admitted it; Kestrel sensed she was afraid of Finn。
Kestrel listened with Ana as Finn spoke。 “I thought you might like to tell me more about why
Japan will win the war。 Fifteen minutes? Same place?”
“Wait;” said Ana。 “I’ll have to see if Takagura needs me。”
Ana covered the phone and waited for Kestrel’s response。 Her expression was neutral。
Kestrel knew that it was his choice – send Ana to Finn or keep her here and make love to her as
she wanted。 He needed Ana’s cooperation; but even more; he must have her allegiance。 Yet he
must also have more information about Alamogordo; quickly; and the man called Finn was
reputed to know many secrets。
Kestrel lifted Ana out of his lap as if she weighed no more than the telephone she held。 Although
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her expression did not change; Kestrel sensed first her stiffness; then her resignation。
“Yes;” said Ana into the phone; her voice flat; “I’m not wanted here。”
Kestrel’s hand closed over the mouthpiece of the phone。 “Tell him one hour。” His fingers
caressed the nape of her neck; then slowly withdrew。
“Momentito;” Ana said; her voice light; almost breathless。 “Takagura Omi’s friend needs a
translator。 An hour; Finn。 I will meet you in an hour。”
Ana hung up before Finn could either agree or object。 Behind her; buttons clicked lightly against
wood as Kestrel laid his shirt across the table。 He unrolled his sleeping mat with a single quick
38 Hours Before Trinity
The newspaper rattled as Finn folded it; glanced at his watch; and then at the street。 The town
square was dulled beneath the weight of heat and time; a weight that dragged on the buildings;
blunting adobe corners。
A melange of smells floated through the open café door。 Sun and dust; refried beans laced with
chiles; fruit ripe and rotten; an open sewer thick with grit and human excrement; roses in a
concealed garden。 Finn smelled none of those odors unless he made a special effort。 Juarez had
toughened his nose in the same way that the sun had thickened his skin。 Nor did he notice the
flics that skated lazily down shafts of yellow light。 Flies and heat and yapping dogs; Juarez in July。
Where was Ana?
Finn stared down the gloomy alley that paralleled the café; dividing it from other businesses。
The alley seemed to pause; then unravel itself into paths that twisted around the intricate
societies enclosed by eight tong temples; center

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