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Steal The Sun(战争间谍)-第10章

小说: Steal The Sun(战争间谍) 字数: 每页4000字

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own body。 “I will do anything you want。 Anything。”
Kestrel heard the promise in the girl’s voice。 The lieutenant heard it also。 He moved
convulsively; forcing Rubia to let him roll over。 When he was lying on his back; Rubia slowly
moved her hips over the soldier without letting him penetrate her; teasing him; prolonging his
pleasure。 Rubia was very good at her work; a natural whore。
“Let me – “ gasped the soldier; his hands grabbing Rubia’s maddening hips。
Rubia laughed。 Her laughter sounded genuine; surprising Kestrel。 He had not thought her
capable of emotion。 Then he realized that she was amused by the man who was helpless between
her experienced legs。 Kestrel felt almost sorry for the young lieutenant。
“No; no; muchacho;” Rubia laughed。 “You have not yet promised to me that you will come
back soon。” She reached down and pinched him firmly。 It was enough to dull his need so that
she could bring him to an even sharper pitch of excitement。 She lay full length on him; teasing
him mercilessly。 “Promise you come back only to me。”
“I’ll try to get back before we leave;” he groaned。
“Leave?” Her teeth paused above the vein beating blue against his neck。 “You come back; no?”
“I’ll try。 But the tests went well。 Those fly boys said if we ever got to Wendover; the drinks were
on them。”
“Wendover?” said Rubia; fondling him with her tongue。 “Is that a – how you say it – a bar?”
The soldier laughed and pinched her nipples hard enough to hurt。 Rubia did not pull away; she
was used to rough handling。
“No; baby;” said the lieutenant。 “Wendover is an air…base in Utah。 But don’t worry。 I’m not
going way up there。 From what I overheard yesterday; I’m going to stay in the goddamn desert
with that goddamn tower and all those goddamn wires going out across the flattest; hottest
desert this side of hell。”
“Must you go far from here?” she pouted。 “I miss you when you’re gone too long。”
“Not that far;” he said; grabbing her breasts。 “It’s north of some place called Magord or
Amgordo; some Mex name。 There’s gonna be some big test soon and we’re supposed to be
Johnny on the spot。”
“Test?” asked Rubia; working her Angers down his body。 “It sounds of danger; no?”
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“Shit;” said the lieutenant in disgust。 “We should be so lucky。 Unless they give purple hearts for
sunburn; I’m gonna finish this damned war with nothing to show for my time。 Now come here!”
The soldier grabbed a handful of Rubia’s tangled; dark blond hair and forced her mouth down
on his。
Behind the screen; Kestrel squatted on his heels; waiting。 Either conversation or sex would begin
soon。 If it was the latter; he could get out of this grubby peephole。
Rubia freed her lips and tried to get the soldier to talk more。 After a moment; she sensed his
determination and knew that she could not put him off much longer。 It would be better if sex
appeared to be her desire; too。
“No more talk;” Rubia said in a low voice as she slid off his white body。 She lay on her back and
moved invitingly。 “Or do you not want your little Rubia like she wants you?”
The lieutenant mounted Rubia in an ungainly rush。
Silently; Kestrel eased out of the cramped passageway through a side door; removing himself
from the purview of the god’s eye staring blindly over the sweating buttocks of the red…headed
66 Hours Before Trinity
(Radio transmission received by Kestrel。 Decoded。)
61 Hours Before Trinity
Takagura Omi’s house was on the edge of Colonia Chino; the Oriental ghetto surrounded by
Juarez。 It was a cultural rather than an economic ghetto; since Takagura was a very wealthy man。
Some of his business dealings were legitimate。 Most were not。 In 1930; his export…import
business had been financed by the Japanese Imperial Army。 Today the business thrived by itself;
especially the illegal portions。 The profits went into financing a network of spies; thugs and
politicians who made Takagura’s influence felt from Mexico City across the entire northern tier
of Mexico; and into the Little Tokyos of southwestern America。 Takagura was still an officer in
the Imperial Army; a believer in the Son of Heaven’s divinity; and a fanatical militarist。 His utter
loyalty to Emperor Hirohito was one of the few certainties Kestrel had found in Juarez。
Kestrel set aside his cup of tea; silently wishing it had been coffee。 He had acquired a taste for
coffee in America; a preference that was reinforced during his years in Lisbon。 Takagura’s home;
however; was rigidly in accord with traditional Japanese diet and manners。 The few exceptions –
shortwave radio; telephone; electricity – did not include such Occidental amenities as chairs;
raised beds; or coffee。
The sound of footsteps came through translucent walls。 Kestrel turned and stood up in a single
motion that spoke of controlled power。 He waited; motionless。 The light from a corner lamp
poured over him; making the silver strands of hair at his temples gleam。 Outside the room; a
silhouette flowed over the shoji screen like a black ghost。 The paper screen whispered aside;
revealing Ana Oshiga; Takagura’s secretary。 She bowed and greeted him in precise Japanese。
“I hope you are comfortable; Kestrel…san。”
Kestrel looked at Ana’s pale; heart…shaped face。 Like electricity in Takagura’s traditional
Japanese home; Ana did not wholly fit her surroundings。
“Yes; Ana…san;” he answered politely; although he had not slept at all and had yet to wash the
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whorehouse grime off his body。
Ana naturally walked with the long…legged stride of an American woman; but she was hobbled
now by a narrow kimono。 Her voice; too; was American; pitched for life lived behind plaster
rather than paper walls。 As with most Nisei and Isei; she was taller than the Japanese norm。
“The honored wife of Omi…san said that you requested my presence;” Ana said。
“English; please;” said Kestrel。 Although he trusted his host’s loyalty; Kestrel himself had
bribed too many servants to trust Takagura’s。 “Did you finish interviewing Refugio’s whores
after I left with Rubia?”
Kestrel’s face did not show his distaste for prostitutes and hours spent watching their work。
Ana’s face did; although she had done no more than question the women。 He had seen Mexican
sluts condescend to Ana; a woman they considered their sexual and racial inferior。 He
understood Ana’s hatred of them。 He even sympathized。 He did not let sympathy get in the way
of necessity; however。 He needed a fluent; trustworthy translator。 Ana。
“They added nothing new;” answered Ana; trying to be as expressionless as Kestrel; and failing。
“The number of Americans from Socorro and Los Alamos has doubled or tripled in recent
weeks。 They drink heavily; screw badly; pay too much; and sometimes go crazy。” Ana frowned。
“Several of the sluts mentioned the same man。 He ran up and down the halls; drunk; naked;
yelling; ‘We’ve done it! I’ll never have to see that fat asshole Groves again!”
“Was the man a soldier?”
“I asked。 The whores described him as bearded。 He didn’t wear dog tags or military signet rings。
His clothes were civilian; including the underwear。”
Kestrel looked beyond Ana; thinking about the crumbs of information he had gathered from
Refugio; Rubia; and now Ana。 Rubia’s red…headed soldier had mentioned a test “soon;” and that
whatever it was had originally come from Los Alamos。 Ana spoke of a bearded civilian running
through a Mexican whorehouse yelling that something was done。 Was it too much to assume that
whatever weapon was being built in Los Alamos was going to be tested and then shipped to
California; and from there overseas for use against Japan?
“You’re sure that he said; ‘We’ve done it!’?” asked Kestrel。 “Was he speaking Spanish or did one
of the sluts know English?”
“Yolanda – the young one with the broken nose – speaks some English。 She said he yelled the
same thing again and again; until someone threw him into the alley。 She’s sure she remembered it
right。 She’s also the one who thought to check his clothes and jewelry。”
“Good。 Pay her extra。”
“I did。”
“You’ve done very well for me; Ana。”
Ana smiled; pleased that she had pleased him。 “Thank you;” she said; bowing formally。 “It is my
duty and pleasure to serve the honorable representative of the Son of Heaven。”
The words; gracious in Japanese; sounded awkward in English。 Ana flushed slightly。 Kestrel
bowed like a Japanese; then smiled at her like an American and took her hand。 Ana’s flesh
deepened; but she did not pull away。 Kestrel was the first samurai she had ever known; he
fascinated her。 He knew it; and used it。 He let go of her hand and indicated the lacquered tray
holding teapot and cups with no handles。 “Would you pour tea for us?”
Kestrel watched her fill the cups neatly and gracefully; a skill learned under Takagura’s
demanding eye。 “You do many things well;” he said; taking the cup she offered him。 “Did
Refugio have any questions when you delivered the money to him?”
“No。 He must like you。 He only counted it once。”
Kestrel laughed。 “He will count it twice more when he is alone。”
“That may be a while;” said Ana; sipping her green tea。 “He’s flying with that man Masarek to
Mexicali。 The Englishwoman is going along。 His mistress; I suppose。”
“When are they leaving?”
Ana looked up; startled by the change in Kestrel’s tone。 “He’s probably gone by now。 I’m sorry。
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Should I have stopped him?”
Kestrel did not answer for a moment。 He felt cold; felt time draining away from him。 First the
hints that the weapon was done; that it would be tested soon; and suddenly the Russian was gone
as though there were nothing further of value left at Los Alamos。 He was too far behind the
Russian。 Japan was too far behind the Americans; one man and a country stumbling along
picking up crumbs from an international spy feast t

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