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Death World(科幻战争)-第22章

小说: Death World(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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decapitated the snake with his fang before it could land and reorient itself。 He stamped on its
severed head; exploding it in a mass of black blood。 He grabbed the twitching body; wrung it until it
was still; and tossed it aside into the dark。 A quiet; discordant hiss of alarm told him that his
message had been received by multiple unseen onlookers。 The jungle grass swayed and rustled in a
dozen thin paths away from him。
It was shortly after that that he came across the first trap。
Lorenzo had known it was imminent; because the undergrowth in this area was flattened; plants
and branches broken。 The orks had been here; and recently。
The trap was crude and obvious; like most of their constructs: a cord stretched between trees at
knee height; connected to something hidden in the lower branches of one。 A grenade; most likely。
Still; a Guardsman in a hurry might not have spotted it。 It was more evidence of the warboss’
cunning; spreading to his followers。
Lorenzo stepped over the tripwire carefully; and waited。 Thirty seconds passed before
Muldoon’s head peeked out of a bush a few metres behind him。 He saw Lorenzo; and an inquisitive
expression crossed his face。 Lorenzo indicated the wire; Muldoon would probably have seen it
anyway; but better safe than sorry。 Muldoon nodded; then waited for Lorenzo to regain his lead。
Alone again。
The second tripwire was higher; and better placed。 To its right; the jungle was dense with poison
creepers—and Lorenzo knew that that way lay the acid swamp of which Sly Marbo had spoken。 To
the left: a cluster of red snapper flowers; through which he could see no safe route。 Again; his
inability to use his lasgun narrowed his options。 Bad enough to be grabbed by those intractable
petals—but the greater peril would be the flowers’ alarm wail; certain to attract attention。
He approached the wire; and stooped beside it gingerly。 It was too high to step over。 He could
disarm the trap: cut the wire or retrieve the grenade from the tree。 The risk in so doing would be
minimal; but actual。 If an ork or a gretchin came this way after the Jungle Fighters had passed; it
would know they had been here。
No。 Far better; far safer; to take no chances。 To go under。
Lorenzo lowered himself onto his stomach; noting that the ground was a little soft; a little wet。
He removed his pack and his lasgun from his back; to reduce his prone height; and pushed them
under the wire before him。 Then he dragged himself through the mud on his elbows; keeping his
head down。
He had plenty of clearance。 So long as nothing unexpected happened; so long as he didn’t get
careless; he had nothing to worry about。
So long as nothing unexpected happened…
The blue light snapped on like a shipboard lighting panel; just ignited into a glowing ball ahead
of him; a few centimetres off the ground。 Lorenzo felt his stomach tighten as he craned his neck to
look at it without raising his chin。 He sensed that it was calling to him; urging him to stand and
approach it; and he felt the muscles in his arms and legs tensing to obey。
He stopped himself; before his back could brush the tripwire。
He closed his eyes; and immediately felt better。 His head was clearer。 Lorenzo listened to his
own breathing; and he felt the cold of the mud against his stomach。 He thought about Steel Toe
Dougan。 He knew the blue light was still out there; but he was certain it hadn’t entered his mind。 He
was certain that it couldn’t; so long as he didn’t look at it。
But what if the blue light wanted that? What if its purpose; this time; was to blind him to
something else? To something creeping up on him…
…something rustling in the undergrowth beside his head…
Lorenzo opened his eyes; as breathless and disconcerted as he had been after his nightmare。 He
looked around quickly; but saw nothing。 Nothing but the blue light; drawing his eyes in like it was
the only thing in the world。 The only thing that mattered; anyway。 It occurred to Lorenzo that it was
closer than it had been last night; that this time he really could catch it; catch whatever it was that
was generating it。 End its threat。 Save his comrades。
In the blue light; Lorenzo saw Sergeant Greiss’ approval; so rarely bestowed。 Yet; in his
memory; he heard his voice: “I’m trusting you up front alone… If it comes back; you can resist it;
Greiss was counting on him。
Lorenzo remembered how determined he had been to prove himself worthy of Old Hardhead’s
trust; not to let him down again。 He knew the only way to do that was to obey his orders; to do what
he’d promised he would do… “Right?”
“Right; sergeant。”
To resist。 That was Lorenzo’s greatest ambition; what he wanted most at this moment; and so—
as a part of him was only dimly aware—that was what the blue light showed to him; and in so doing
it defeated itself。 Lorenzo blinked; and the light was still there; but suddenly it was just a light; and it
had no hold over him。
Still; he stayed where he was for a moment longer; exploring the crannies of his mind; ensuring
there was no trace of the blue light left in there。 Ensuring that he wasn’t being tricked again。 He
concentrated on what he remembered; what Greiss had told him—and he reassured himself that; as
long as he heeded those words; those explicit instructions; he would be doing the right thing。
Lorenzo dug his elbows into the mud and pulled himself forward again; until he was clear of the
ork tripwire; then he climbed to his feet and collected his belongings。 The blue light was gone。
Blinked out。 As if it had sensed it had no power here anymore。 Somehow; Lorenzo knew it wouldn’t
be back。 Not for him。 He realised something else too: that his hands were stinging。
He looked down; saw that his palms were red and beginning to blister。 He had been so wrapped
up in his thoughts; in the light; that he hadn’t noticed。 The wet ground。 Acid。 It must have seeped
from the nearby swamp。 The knees of his trousers had almost burnt through; and the soles of his
boots had begun to melt。 Not much harm done yet; but in time…
Lorenzo cleaned his hands on a leaf; and waited for Muldoon to appear again。 This time; once
he’d pointed out the tripwire; he beckoned him forward。 Greiss came too; holding up a hand to halt
the troopers behind him。
“I think we need to bear a little further north;” whispered Lorenzo; displaying his damaged
“That’ll take us closer to the orks。” Muldoon pointed out。
But Greiss looked down at his own feet; and scowled。 “Lorenzo’s right。 No point our finding
Big Green if we’re all walking on bloody stumps by the time we do。” Then; with grudging
admiration; he conceded; “Mackenzie was right about that greenskin。 Building his camp on the edge
of the swamp; making the best of the natural defences—he’s a clever bastard; all right。”
The encampment was even closer than Lorenzo had estimated。
Almost as soon as he changed his course; he found himself at the edge of a clearing; a little
smaller than the Imperial Guard’s; crammed with ramshackle buildings of metal and wood。
He lay and watched it for a while; scrutinising each shadow until he was sure of its nature; until
he knew it wasn’t an enemy waiting in ambush。 He studied the ork huts; familiarising himself with
their layout; with every blind corner from which an ork or a gretchin could spring out at him as he
passed。 He saw no sentries—which worried him; because he knew there would be sentries。
At last; Lorenzo glanced behind him; saw his squad waiting; gave them a thumbs…up signal and
moved on。 He moved on slowly—almost painfully so; knowing that stealth was more imperative
now than ever。 A single thin line of trees separated him from the orks。 He had to make maximum
use of the scant cover he had—and he had to be sure he didn’t make the slightest sound。
It seemed to take an age for him to reach that first danger point; that first gangway between two
huts; to be able to edge forward and peer down it; to reassure himself that it was empty。 It seemed to
take an age—although he knew it had only been a few minutes。 But Lorenzo wasn’t impatient。 He
lived for moments like this。
There was something in the trees ahead of him。
He froze。
It was taller than a man; but hunched; enormous arms hanging down to its knees; its shoulders
broad and muscular。 It was wearing dulled armour—and; although the darkness made it difficult to
pick out colours; the skin that showed through the metal plates had a decidedly green tint。
The ork didn’t seem to be trying to hide。 Lorenzo wondered; for a heart…stopping moment; if it
was searching for him; if it had heard something。 Any closer; and he feared it might catch his scent。
Then it turned away from him; grunting as it fumbled with its protective metal layers; and he
realised it had only come out here to relieve itself。 Lorenzo would never find an enemy more
exposed; more helpless; he could attack it from behind; wrap a cord around its throat and strangle it。
But orks were a sturdy breed; and it would certainly have struggled loudly as it died。 Reluctantly; he
let it be—and when it had done its business; the ork shuffled away and faded into the shadow of a
metal hut。
Lorenzo crept forward again。 He stepped over another tripwire; and waited to point it out to
Muldoon。 Glancing ahead; he saw that he was almost there; almost past the camp。 Maybe they’d call
him “Sneaky” Lorenzo。 No; he wasn’t sure he liked that。 “Shadow” Lorenzo? “Sly” Lorenzo?
They were hushed—but against the muted sounds of the night; they sounded unnatural; harsh
and as loud as las…fire discharges。
He thought one of the voices belonged to Greiss。 There was an urgent tone to it; almost a plea。
Lorenzo looked to the ork camp; certain that the voices must have carried that far; but nothing was
stirring。 Not yet。 He ached to know what was happening; but he knew he ought to maintain his
position。 He sheathed his knife and fingered his lasgun; ready to draw it if necessary。
The explosion caught him totally unawares。
The night erupted into daylight; too quickly; too shockingly; for Lorenzo to avert his gaze; to
protect his night vision。 He was half blinded。
But; as the 

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