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Questing Knight(科幻战争)-第16章

小说: Questing Knight(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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‘I think not;’ said his brother。 ‘No devolved varghulf is a match for him。’
Bertelis lunged; feinting high and coming in low with a brutal attack intended to disembowel him。
Calard saw it coming; and dropped his guard to block the vicious attack; but Bertelis had already shifted
the angle of his attack once more。
Spinning on his heel; Bertelis turned quickly; his head whipping around and his body following。 His
sword slashed across Calard’s shoulder; striking just under his pauldron。 The blow hacked through his
chainmail and padding; and bit deep into flesh before striking bone。
Before Calard could even cry out; Bertelis spun back around the way he had come and rammed his
blade into Calard’s body。 The tip penetrated just inside his hip; slipping through the slender gap under his
Calard gasped; and his shattered sword…blade dropped from his hands。 He fell to one knee; and
Bertelis loomed above him; his blade slick with blood。
‘Goodbye; brother;’ said Bertelis; drawing his sword back for the killing thrust。
A knight burst from the crowd nearby。 He had a sword in each hand; and he shouted at the top of his
lungs as he charged。
‘Calard!’ Raben cried; tossing one of the blades towards him。
Calard caught the sword; his fingers closing around the familiar hilt。
Raben swung a two…handed blow at Bertelis; who turned and blocked the attack with one of his
own。 Dropping to one knee; Bertelis slashed from right to left across Raben’s stomach; carving through
his chain hauberk and the muscle beneath; then rose and kicked the outcast away。
With a snarl; Bertelis rounded on Calard; but his eyes went wide as the Sword of Garamont impaled
Calard was on his feet now; and he grunted with effort as gave his sword another shove; ramming it
up into Bertelis’s body。
Blood gushed from the fatal wound; and Bertelis’s face became increasingly gaunt; as if all the
moisture in his body was being sucked out of him。 His features became ever more skeletal and inhuman
as his translucent flesh withered; his lips drawing back to expose his savage fangs。 Calard stepped back;
a look of disgust on his face; and slid his blade free。
The Sword of Garamont was glowing with an aura of white light; and Calard looked upon it in
wonder。 Bertelis’s blood spattered off it; leaving the blade spotless。 The shimmering radiance felt like
sunlight on Calard’s face; and despite the mayhem surrounding him; he felt a sense of calm and assurance
envelop him。
Bertelis fell to his knees; blood pooling beneath him。 His flesh continued to shrink upon his skull; until
he looked barely human at all。 His hands had withered to little more than talons; and their veins; purple
and blue; stood out sharply。 He glared up at Calard then。 Hatred and fury burnt in his eyes; but also fear。

He hissed like a cornered animal; teeth bared; as if he were devolving before Calard’s eyes。
The luminosity of the sword in Calard’s hands intensified; glowing hot and pure; and Bertelis’s skin
began to blacken and blister beneath its glare。 He held his hands up; shielding his eyes; and they too
began to burn。 A pitiful wail emitted from his throat。
‘Lady; give him peace;’ murmured Calard; clasping his sword in both hands。 Without pause; he
stepped forwards and beheaded the creature that had once been Bertelis。
Raben was lying on the ground nearby; clutching at his stomach; and he smiled wryly as his gaze met
‘Thank you;’ said Calard。
Raben grunted。 ‘That was your brother?’ he said; indicating towards Bertelis’s corpse with his chin。
‘No;’ said Calard。 ‘My brother died a long time ago。’
A roar of pain and fury dragged Calard’s attention up towards the raised dais。 The immense;
loathsome beast that Bertelis had called a varghulf was down; blood pooling beneath it。 Its flesh was
slashed and torn; hanging from it in bloody tatters。
Duke Merovech stood before it; sword in hand。 He too was injured。 One of his pauldrons had been
ripped away; exposing his shoulder; which was covered in blood。 Four bloody rents were carved
through his breastplate。 Nevertheless; Duke Merovech stood victorious; and Calard shook his head in
wonderment。 Could nothing kill him?
The varghulf’s powerful legs bunched for one final spring; but it was never given the chance。 Duke
Merovech hurled his sword aside and leapt towards his enemy with a blood…curdling battle cry; hands
extended like claws。 He grabbed the immense creature by the head; grappling with it; and with a roar of
effort; he wrenched it upwards; exposing its neck。
Merovech’s fangs flashed; and he tore into the varghulf’s neck。 The creature fought against him; but
its strength was gone。 For long moments Merovech drank; glutting himself before pulling away。 His
mouth and chin were caked in blood。
Duke Merovech dragged the immense weight of the varghulf across the dais floor; until he reached
the altar。 With one hand; he grabbed the chalice from altar’s tabernacle。 He glanced heavenward。 The
green moon of Morrslieb was eclipsing Mannslieb now; like a repulsive; burning pupil in a silver iris。
Apparently satisfied; Merovech forced the varghulf’s neck back; and lowered his mouth to its neck once
more。 This time he did not feed; but rather tore。 He ripped open its throat; and the last of its blood began
to gush forth。
GRANDFATHER MORTIS CLUTCHED unsteadily at the railing of the balcony as he watched his beloved
lord and master slain。 His children were being butchered down below; their will to fight evaporating as
they too registered that their master was no more。
He staggered back; casting his eyes from the sickening sight of his master’s body defiled。 A took a
deep; shuddering breath; and turned away。
A heavy spiked cudgel smashed one of his kneecaps to splinters; and he fell to the ground with a cry
of pain and shock。
Chlod stood over him; and the old man gaped up at him。
‘Fifteen years I was your slave; one of your cursed children;’ said Chlod。 ‘I’ll not be that again。’
The hunchbacked peasant spat in Mortis’s face; making the old man flinch。 That merely enraged
Chlod more; and he slammed his spiked cudgel into Mortis’s side。 Ribs snapped like dry twigs。
‘Fifteen years I stole and murdered for you; you old bastard;’ said Chlod。 ‘Fifteen years you starved
me。 How many times did I feel the touch of your switch; hmm? How many bones did you break? How
many scars did you leave?’
He made to strike Mortis again; and the old man recoiled; his face twisted in agony。
‘Who has the power now?’ said Chlod。
‘I took you in; you wretched ingrate;’ hissed Mortis between clenched teeth。 ‘I fed you! I clothed
you! I! Without me you’d be dead! You’d be nothing! I made you what you are!’
‘You did at that;’ said Chlod。 ‘Do you like what you see?’
Chlod brought his spiked cudgel down again and again; and as loud as Mortis’s screams were; no
one came to his aid。 He continued his brutal attack even after Mortis had ceased screaming; even after he
was far beyond recognisable。
Finally; Chlod stopped his relentless assault。 He was breathing heavily; and tears were running down
his face。 He was completely covered in blood; and chunks of skin and hair clung to the spikes of his club。
He spat down on the thing that had once been Grandfather Mortis; and then turned away。
CALARD KNELT BY Raben; and gently drew back the outcast’s arm to see the extent of his injuries。
‘How’s it look?’ said Raben。 His face was pale。
‘It’s a scratch;’ said Calard。 ‘You’ll be whoring again in a week; mark my words。’
‘Liar;’ said Raben; with a sardonic smile。
‘You’ll survive;’ said Calard; more seriously。 ‘Though you’ll have one hell of a scar to match that
one;’ he said; indicating the jagged old wound that crossed Raben’s throat。
‘Ladies don’t like a man that’s too pretty;’ said Raben。
‘Well; you certainly aren’t that;’ said Calard; casting a wary eye around them。
There were few left standing; in truth。 It seemed that both sides had practically annihilated the other;
though from the looks of things; there were far more of Mortis’s people dead than Merovech’s。
Looking back up towards the dais; he saw that Merovech had filled the chalice with the varghulf’s
blood。 Now he stood; letting the massive creature’s head drop to the floor; dead。 The vampire duke
moved towards the first of the throned statues。 He raised the chalice above its head; and tipped it slightly;
allowing a trickle of frothing blood to drip onto the statue’s head。 Red rivulets ran down over its face;
removing centuries of dust and grime。 Calard’s heart skipped a beat as the statue moved。
It turned its face up towards the stream of blood; its mouth opening wide; showing off impressively
elongated canines。 Its tongue lapped at the flow; and Calard saw its throat moving as it swallowed。
‘That’s not good;’ said Raben。
Merovech righted the chalice; and the enthroned creature returned to its former position。 The duke
moved on to the next in line; but Calard’s gaze was locked on the first。 Its eyes snapped open; and it
Calard took a few steps towards the steps of the dais; knowing that he stood little chance against
Merovech alone; even without with his newly awoken allies。 Nevertheless; he had sworn an oath; and
would see Merovech dead or die in the attempt。
‘Calard;’ called Raben; and he looked back。 ‘Don’t throw your life away。’
‘This is something I have to do;’ Calard said。 He swung back around。 His step faltered as the holy
light radiating from the Sword of Garamont dimmed; then died altogether。 He halted; looking down at it。
What did it mean? Did the Lady disapprove of his actions? But how could she? Was it not she who
had led him here?

Three of the ‘statues’ had come awake now; and were on their feet; blinking and stretching their
necks like men awakening from a deep slumber。 Each was as tall as Merovech himself; and all of them
were garbed in similar; barbed armour。
Calard stood stock still; indecision plaguing him。
‘Lady; give me a sign;’ he whispered。 ‘Show me what it is you wish of me。’
A blinding flash exploded in Calard’s mind; sending him crashing to his knees; his eyes tightly closed。
He gasped at the searin

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