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Ice Guard(科幻战争)-第40章

小说: Ice Guard(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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it。 Wollkenden could not be saved。
In the end; it was easier than he had expected。 He didn’t even have to try。 He just had to relax his
fingers; just a little。
And then it was done; and Confessor Wollkenden was plunging away from him — and he felt
his heart lurch at the sheer speed of it all; at the suddenness with which it had become too late to
turn back; to regret。
He had done the right thing。 Steele knew this with a certainty that he had seldom before
experienced。 He knew it not just because his enhanced brain told him it was true; but because he
could feel it。 He had done what the Emperor would have wanted him to do; what the Ecclesiarchy
could never have asked of him。
And Wollkenden was shrinking beneath him now; dwarfed by the white expanse that awaited
him below; but Steele did not wish to see that。 He turned away; reached up and caught the next rung
of the ladder with his right hand。 And; wearily; he pulled himself up that…ladder; to the lander; to his
comrades; to safety。
Colonel Stanislev Steele stood silently in the lander’s cockpit and looked down on the bleak; white
globe of Cressida through the forward screen。
It looked the same as it had when he had first been posted to it。 He only knew that it wasn’t
because his internal chrono had completed its countdown。 Cressida was a dead world now; no man
would touch its soil again during his lifetime。
The rest of his squad — Gavotski; Anakora; Barreski; Mikhaelev; Grayle; Palinev — had all
made it。 They had survived the mutants’ attack on their ship。 They had contacted an Imperial
Cruiser; and were waiting to be picked up。 He was fiercely proud of all of them; although they did
not feel that pride in themselves。
They had failed in their mission; fallen at the last hurdle — or so they thought。
He wished he could tell them the truth — tell them that; in the end; one man’s life did not matter
after all。 What mattered was his legend — and today; the Ice Warriors had safeguarded one such
legend; ensured that it would inspire more great deeds yet。
Colonel Steele’s report would state that Confessor Wollkenden had died a hero。

           (The End)

。 … 。………【gzbysh】整理 

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