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Ice Guard(科幻战争)-第29章

小说: Ice Guard(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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Mikhaelev dared hope that it might succumb; might fall; might at least err on the side of caution and
flee — but then it chose its target; and it lashed out。
Palinev dived out of the creature’s way。 Its snout smacked hard into the tunnel wall; so hard that
it seemed like its neck must have broken。 No such luck; though。 It hit the water on its stomach; and
the head of its previous victim; the luckless mutant; was tossed on a wave born of the impact。
The creature was stunned; immobile; its back crowning the water like a miniature island;
covered in thorns。 The Ice Warriors pressed their advantage; and the scales at the base of the
creature’s spines began to bubble and blacken in their beams。 Its tail thrashed helplessly; and
Anakora moved in; thrusting her bayonet downwards at it; attempting to pin it。 Her aim was true;
but her broken blade too weak for the task。
The creature was recovering; raising its head so that its scalp formed another little island; its
many eyes glaring in all directions so that it was impossible to work out which way it would go;
who it would target next。
Suddenly; Anakora was yanked off her feet。 As she landed heavily; Mikhaelev; behind her;
caught a glimpse of the great tail looped round her ankles。 The creature was twisting back on itself;
with incredible agility and litheness; bending double to reach its ensnared; floundering victim。
Mikhaelev was about to fire again when his line of sight was blocked by Pozhar; who threw
himself onto the sewer creature’s back with a zeal of which the late Trooper Borscz would surely
have approved of。 He found an eye with his knife; and punctured it with a jab; eliciting another howl
— and the creature relaxed its grip on Anakora to deal with the more immediate threat。
It bucked and squirmed beneath the young trooper’s weight; Pozhar let out a groan as a spine
slipped through his greatcoat and into his stomach。 Then he slid into the water; winded; and
Anakora was trying to pull him clear; to return the favour he had done for her; but the creature had
reared up again; was looming over the pair of them。
Mikhaelev’s hand was in the pocket of his greatcoat; fingering a hard; cylindrical object; one he
had kept ready for just such an occasion。 It would be risky to use it in this confined space —
especially for Anakora and Pozhar — but; unless he did something; his two comrades were dead
anyway; and he had a perfect shot。
“Demolition charge!” he yelled as he lobbed the device。 His aim and his timing could not have
been better。 The charge disappeared between the creature’s teeth; bounced off its tongue… and
Mikhaelev was running; as were the other Ice Warriors — six of them; at least。 The remaining two
were still cornered; helpless。
The blast; when it came; filled Mikhaelev’s ears; shook the tunnel around him and splattered his
back with chunks of something soft and moist。 But it didn’t lift him from his feet; and it didn’t bring
down the roof — and when he stopped; when he turned; when he looked; Anakora and Pozhar were
still alive; covered in the blood and the guts and the sizzling flesh of the monster that had menaced
…the monster that; if it hadn’t swallowed his charge outright; or found it lodged in its throat;
must have closed its mouth reflexively around it; and contained the brunt of the explosion; as
Mikhaelev had prayed it might; within itself。
Barreski punched the air; let out a whoop of delight; and clapped Mikhaelev on the back。
“Well; I hope you’re pleased with yourself;” said Grayle with a mock frown; as he brushed
clinging; rancid lumps of meat from his hat and his coat。 “You know; after sloshing my way through
this hive’s sewer system for about an hour and a half; I didn’t think it was possible to smell any
worse。 Obviously; my mistake。”
“Unfortunately;” said Gavotski grimly; “we do have a more pressing problem than your personal
hygiene; Grayle。”
Blonsky spelled it out; “We’ve lost our guides; both of them。”
“And with them;” sighed Mikhaelev; “our way into the Ice Palace。”
Steele laughed in Mangellan’s face。 It seemed the only rational thing to do。
“You’re insane!” he accused the high priest。 “Well; of course you are; that goes with the
territory — but do you really expect an officer of the Imperium to just… to…?”
Mangellan was unfazed。 “Many of us here were once officers in your Imperium;” he reminded
his prisoner。 “You know that。 Of course; the idea of joining me is abhorrent to you。 You have been
brought up; conditioned; to look at the universe in one way; and one way only: the Imperium’s
“There is no other way;” Steele growled。 “At least; none that bear thinking about。”
“Ah yes;” said Mangellan; “that is what they tell you; isn’t it? That you mustn’t think about it;
that the knowledge itself is forbidden。 Don’t you wonder why they tell you that。 Colonel Steele?
Don’t you wonder if there could be more to life than following orders; being shipped from one war
zone to another? Have you asked yourself what they are keeping from you; what they are so afraid
you might learn?”
“Let me cut him; master;” whined Furst; his knife trembling in his hand as if it were all he could
do to keep from thrusting it between Steele’s ribs。 “Let me punish him for his insolence。”
“All I need to know;” said Steele; “is right here in this cell with us。” He jerked his head towards
the mutant。 “That is the price of your knowledge; Mangellan。 That is what happens when we stop
fighting it; when we start to question。”
Mangellan snorted with derision。 “Furst is a pawn; no more。 Our gods have gifted him with
physical strength; so I use him to fetch and carry for me。 Look at me! I have worshipped Chaos all
my life。 Do you see the mark of the mutant on me?”
“Perhaps;” growled Steele; “your mark is inside you。”
“I used to think I had been overlooked。 I used to pray to feel the touch of my gods。 But now I
know the truth。 They have recognised my intellect; my vision; my strength of will。 They do not need
to make me over in their image; because I am already their perfect servant。 The gods have favoured
me over all。”
“You know;” said Steele; “when I first heard about you; when I heard your name; I feared you
might be a challenge。 But you’re just a small man; after all。”
Mangellan’s smile faded for the first time。 Steele had touched a nerve。
“And yet;” the high priest growled; “I am in control of my destiny。 That is more than anyone can
say of you。 You could wield power in this world; Colonel Steele — the power to build an Ice Palace
like this one; to have men grovel at your feet。”
“I’d rather bare my backside to a Valhallan tusked mammoth;” snapped Steele; “because your
gods will betray you。 That is what Chaos does。 That is what Chaos is。 It is treachery and deceit。
How many men did you betray to get here; Mangellan? You didn’t lead the invasion of Iota Hive;
did you? No; you let others do that; and waited for them to die so that you could seize power。 Did
you even fight with them?”
“That is where we differ; my friend。 While you foolishly risk your life on the front lines; I stand
back; taking an overview; waiting for my chances。”
“Like finding a Chaos Space Marine that will throw in his lot with you? That would buy you a
bit of respect around here; I suppose — for as long as it lasts。 As long as it takes him to realise that;
whatever you promised him; you can’t deliver on it。”
“You will serve me too; Colonel Steele — if not as an ally; then as a sacrifice; an offering to my
gods。 They will be only too pleased to receive your soul; and will reward me for conveying it to
“Is that what you have planned for Wollkenden?”
It was a bold question; and Steele didn’t expect Mangellan to answer it; to give anything away。
To his surprise; however; the high priest smiled and said; “Such a pious man; your confessor; an
important man; as your presence here proves。 A man who; to hear him tell it; saved an entire star
system for your Emperor。 For him to fall from the sky as he did; into my grasp… well; my gods
were smiling upon me again that day。 And then; along you came。”
Mangellan pushed himself up from his stone ledge; leaned over Steele so that his lips almost
touched the colonel’s ear。 Steele tried to flinch from him; but his chains held him too tightly。 A
feeling of revulsion shuddered through his body。 He called up his bionic eye’s HUD again; but still
it gave only the same discouraging report: thirty…five seconds… thirty…five seconds…
“The irony of it;” Mangellan crooned; “is that your masters do not value you。 They would snuff
out your life in a second for the chance; the merest chance; of getting their important; pious man
back。 But I have met the both of you; spoken with you; and I know the truth of it。 I know that you;
Colonel Stanislev Steele; are a far better man; a far stronger man; than Wollkenden will ever be。”
“This is it;” said Palinev; staring at his compass。 “This must be it!” Then he looked at the walls of
yet another nondescript tunnel; and he felt a lot less confident。 “At least; I think… If the colonel
were here…”
“You haven’t let us down yet; Trooper Palinev;” said Gavotski。 “If you say we’re underneath the
Ice Palace; then that is where we are。”
Grayle reached up to touch the tunnel roof; and snatched his hand away with a wince。
“Ice burn!” he exclaimed。 “And it’s been getting colder for the past half…hour; since before we
ran into that creature。 The Ice Palace is up there; all right。”
“The question is;” said Blonsky; “where is this supposed entrance to it?”
Mikhaelev shrugged。 “Hardly likely to be in plain sight; is it? Maybe we should have turned
back after all。”
“We discussed this;” said Gavotski firmly。 “It would have wasted too much time。 No; our guides
have brought us most of the way; and they assured us that there is a way into the palace from down
here。 We just have to find it。”
“If we can’t;” offered Palinev; 'I could go back to the chapel。 I can find my way… at least; I
think I can。 I could fetch us another guide。”
“Maybe;” said Gavotski; “but only as a last resort。 We’ve all

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