667中文网 > 恐怖悬疑电子书 > 王尔德童话四则(英文版) >



小说: 王尔德童话四则(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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dew…drenched anemones; and tiny glow…worms to be stars in the pale

gold of her hair。

But where was she?  He asked the white rose; and it made him no

answer。  The whole palace seemed asleep; and even where the

shutters had not been closed; heavy curtains had been drawn across

the windows to keep out the glare。  He wandered all round looking

for some place through which he might gain an entrance; and at last

he caught sight of a little private door that was lying open。  He

slipped through; and found himself in a splendid hall; far more

splendid; he feared; than the forest; there was so much more

gilding everywhere; and even the floor was made of great coloured

stones; fitted together into a sort of geometrical pattern。  But

the little Infanta was not there; only some wonderful white statues

that looked down on him from their jasper pedestals; with sad blank

eyes and strangely smiling lips。

At the end of the hall hung a richly embroidered curtain of black

velvet; powdered with suns and stars; the King's favourite devices;

and broidered on the colour he loved best。  Perhaps she was hiding

behind that?  He would try at any rate。

So he stole quietly across; and drew it aside。  No; there was only

another room; though a prettier room; he thought; than the one he

had just left。  The walls were hung with a many…figured green arras

of needle…wrought tapestry representing a hunt; the work of some

Flemish artists who had spent more than seven years in its

composition。  It had once been the chamber of JEAN LE FOU; as he

was called; that mad King who was so enamoured of the chase; that

he had often tried in his delirium to mount the huge rearing

horses; and to drag down the stag on which the great hounds were

leaping; sounding his hunting horn; and stabbing with his dagger at

the pale flying deer。  It was now used as the council…room; and on

the centre table were lying the red portfolios of the ministers;

stamped with the gold tulips of Spain; and with the arms and

emblems of the house of Hapsburg。

The little Dwarf looked in wonder all round him; and was half…

afraid to go on。  The strange silent horsemen that galloped so

swiftly through the long glades without making any noise; seemed to

him like those terrible phantoms of whom he had heard the charcoal…

burners speaking … the Comprachos; who hunt only at night; and if

they meet a man; turn him into a hind; and chase him。  But he

thought of the pretty Infanta; and took courage。  He wanted to find

her alone; and to tell her that he too loved her。  Perhaps she was

in the room beyond。

He ran across the soft Moorish carpets; and opened the door。  No!

She was not here either。  The room pty。

It was a throne…room; used for the reception of foreign

ambassadors; when the King; which of late had not been often;

consented to give them a personal audience; the same room in which;

many years before; envoys had appeared from England to make

arrangements for the marriage of their Queen; then one of the

Catholic sovereigns of Europe; with the Emperor's eldest son。  The

hangings were of gilt Cordovan leather; and a heavy gilt chandelier

with branches for three hundred wax lights hung down from the black

and white ceiling。  Underneath a great canopy of gold cloth; on

which the lions and towers of Castile were broidered in seed

pearls; stood the throne itself; covered with a rich pall of black

velvet studded with silver tulips and elaborately fringed with

silver and pearls。  On the second step of the throne was placed the

kneeling…stool of the Infanta; with its cushion of cloth of silver

tissue; and below that again; and beyond the limit of the canopy;

stood the chair for the Papal Nuncio; who alone had the right to be

seated in the King's presence on the occasion of any public

ceremonial; and whose Cardinal's hat; with its tangled scarlet

tassels; lay on a purple TABOURET in front。  On the wall; facing

the throne; hung a life…sized portrait of Charles V。 in hunting

dress; with a great mastiff by his side; and a picture of Philip

II。 receiving the homage of the Netherlands occupied the centre of

the other wall。  Between the windows stood a black ebony cabinet;

inlaid with plates of ivory; on which the figures from Holbein's

Dance of Death had been graved … by the hand; some said; of that

famous master himself。

But the little Dwarf cared nothing for all this magnificence。  He

would not have given his rose for all the pearls on the canopy; nor

one white petal of his rose for the throne itself。  What he wanted

was to see the Infanta before she went down to the pavilion; and to

ask her to come away with him when he had finished his dance。

Here; in the Palace; the air was close and heavy; but in the forest

the wind blew free; and the sunlight with wandering hands of gold

moved the tremulous leaves aside。  There were flowers; too; in the

forest; not so splendid; perhaps; as the flowers in the garden; but

more sweetly scented for all that; hyacinths in early spring that

flooded with waving purple the cool glens; and grassy knolls;

yellow primroses that nestled in little clumps round the gnarled

roots of the oak…trees; bright celandine; and blue speedwell; and

irises lilac and gold。  There were grey catkins on the hazels; and

the foxgloves drooped with the weight of their dappled bee…haunted

cells。  The chestnut had its spires of white stars; and the

hawthorn its pallid moons of beauty。  Yes:  surely she would come

if he could only find her!  She would come with him to the fair

forest; and all day long he would dance for her delight。  A smile

lit up his eyes at the thought; and he passed into the next room。

Of all the rooms this was the brightest and the most beautiful。

The walls were covered with a pink…flowered Lucca damask; patterned

with birds and dotted with dainty blossoms of silver; the furniture

was of massive silver; festooned with florid wreaths; and swinging

Cupids; in front of the two large fire…places stood great screens

broidered with parrots and peacocks; and the floor; which was of

sea…green onyx; seemed to stretch far away into the distance。  Nor

was he alone。  Standing under the shadow of the doorway; at the

extreme end of the room; he saw a little figure watching him。  His

heart trembled; a cry of joy broke from his lips; and he moved out

into the sunlight。  As he did so; the figure moved out also; and he

saw it plainly。

The Infanta!  It was a monster; the most grotesque monster he had

ever beheld。  Not properly shaped; as all other people were; but

hunchbacked; and crooked…limbed; with huge lolling head and mane of

black hair。  The little Dwarf frowned; and the monster frowned

also。  He laughed; and it laughed with him; and held its hands to

its sides; just as he himself was doing。  He made it a mocking bow;

and it returned him a low reverence。  He went towards it; and it

came to meet him; copying each step that he made; and stopping when

he stopped himself。  He shouted with amusement; and ran forward;

and reached out his hand; and the hand of the monster touched his;

and it was as cold as ice。  He grew afraid; and moved his hand

across; and the monster's hand followed it quickly。  He tried to

press on; but something smooth and hard stopped him。  The face of

the monster was now close to his own; and seemed full of terror。

He brushed his hair off his eyes。  It imitated him。  He struck at

it; and it returned blow for blow。  He loathed it; and it made

hideous faces at him。  He drew back; and it retreated。

What is it?  He thought for a moment; and looked round at the rest

of the room。  It was strange; but everything seemed to have its

double in this invisible wall of clear water。  Yes; picture for

picture was repeated; and couch for couch。  The sleeping Faun that

lay in the alcove by the doorway had its twin brother that

slumbered; and the silver Venus that stood in the sunlight held out

her arms to a Venus as lovely as herself。

Was it Echo?  He had called to her once in the valley; and she had

answered him word for word。  Could she mock the eye; as she mocked

the voice?  Could she make a mimic world just like the real world?

Could the shadows of things have colour and life and movement?

Could it be that … ?

He started; and taking from his breast the beautiful white rose; he

turned round; and kissed it。  The monster had a rose of its own;

petal for petal the same!  It kissed it with like kisses; and

pressed it to its heart with horrible gestures。

When the truth dawned upon him; he gave a wild cry of despair; and

fell sobbing to the ground。  So it was he who was misshapen and

hunchbacked; foul to look at and grotesque。  He himself was the

monster; and it was at him that all the children had been laughing;

and the little Princess who he had thought loved him … she too had

been merely mocking at his ugliness; and making merry over his

twisted limbs。  Why had they not left him in the forest; where

there was no mirror to tell him how loathsome he was?  Why had his

father not killed him; rather than sell him to his shame?  The hot

tears poured down his cheeks; and he tore the white rose to pieces。

The sprawling monster did the same; and scattered the faint petals

in the air。  It grovelled on the ground; and; when he looked at it;

it watched him with a face drawn with pain。  He crept away; lest he

should see it; and covered his eyes with his hands。  He crawled;

like some wounded thing; into the shadow; and lay there moaning。

And at that moment the Infanta herself came in with her companions

through the open window; and when they saw the ugly little dwarf

lying on the ground and beating the floor with his clenched hands;

in the most fantastic and exaggerated manner; they went off into

shouts of happy laughter; and stood all round him and watched him。

'His dancing was funny;' said the Infanta; 'but his acting

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